
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 12 hours ago

Because usually those are masquerading as legitimate apps.

Real example: Google allows "Muhammad mahmood ali" from Pakistan to run fake ads pretending to be a more famous corporation (flagged, google replied that this individual isn't breaking the TOS somehow, flagged again, the bot replied that yes, that phishing page doesn't break AdWords TOS - probably the scammers are serving different content according to the IP address)

When someone searches for "dji app", they get an ad that looks legitimate and goes to a fake landing page where they say to download and install this apk, showing a fake "100% safe and trusted" logo.

So, they can't say the list of the infected apps, because the real apps aren't affected. Someone could have been tricked by a fake ad to install an infected version of "bank of America" but the real app is clean

[–] [email protected] 15 points 12 hours ago

It's signed by Mozilla (extremely unlikely that's a virus unless they got hacked) and it's detected as trojan only by "max secure", a questionable snake oil product that is like a broken clock, correct only twice a day

Conclusion: it's safe

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I made something crude with python and flask, but it's only to print address labels, always the same settings (paper size and so on)

So i just put a textbox, press the button and it prints there.

When printing generic stuff, you would need to set paper type, paper size, color or BW, if have both sides printed, if printing from a specific tray, then some kind of user authentication (i am lazy and i didn't care about privacy so i used cloudflare access), so the complexity becomes much bigger.

Before making my crude script I searched long time for a free or cheap solution, but I didn't find. If you find, let me know

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago

ah, good to know

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago

It's the same for the United States and their secret no fly list

[–] [email protected] 60 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Watched that company. They make cheap ad filled copycat games. They can't be bothered to spend one day on filtering the words from the free dictionary that they used. Same for the support email, they are too busy counting the ad money, there's nobody reading them

[–] [email protected] 27 points 1 day ago

You call the restaurant and explain the reason, they would be super happy to mark as cancelled on Yelp, but still keep booked on their system: Yelp is not giving this service for free, but they charge a lot of money on each single reservation.

And hopefully realize to stop offering the service at all

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 days ago

I feel like it is the 0.1% of cases, as anyway they're still required to do KYC procedures

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Yes and no, the user is still forced to transfer that immediately (with additional expensive fees) to their wallet as the paper receipt is printed on that thermal paper that deteriorates in a few days - not something you do for convenience, it's something you do for extreme urgency like need to pay hackers a ransomware decryption fee or other phone scammers

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 days ago

yes, but in that case you use your wallet or a crypto exchange, because the Bitcoin ATM fees (usually 15% + couple dollars fixed fee) negate this use case.

My mom needed $5 and then i send them by spending $5 in transaction fees and $5 in ATM fees.

For this use case you would save money with a western union or similar

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 days ago (6 children)

I can't think of any kind of legit use of a Bitcoin ATM

I see huge potential in helping laundering cash or transferring money to scammers, but otherwise?


Luglio 2024: devo fare una pratica all'ambasciata italiana. Mi dicono che ora c'è da prendere un appuntamento sul sito del ministero degli esteri.

Bene, primo appuntamento disponibile a settembre, ci sono solo 10 posti al giorno. Mi danno appuntamento alle 11.23.

Il giorno stabilito mi alzo alle 5, faccio 1000 km col treno e arrivo con 30 minuti di anticipo. Sorpresa! "Appuntamento alle 11.23” in realtà significa "entri alle 11.23 ma prima di te ci sono 100 persone senza appuntamento, forse ti facciamo alle 16"

Sono incazzato nero perché alle 15 ho il treno per tornare a casa, biglietto non rimborsabile ed è pure l'ultimo della giornata, se lo perdo mi tocca pure pagare una notte in albergo oltre a un altro biglietto......

Ho dato per scontato che se mi davano un appuntamento con orario preciso al minuto, mi avrebbero fatto passare entro un'ora, invece...

E dicono "per le emergenze anche senza appuntamento", eccheccazzo, 100 persone tutte con emergenza? Emergenza reale o semplicemente si sono svegliate ieri? Non possono passare dopo i 10 cretini che hanno preso l'appuntamento 2 mesi fa?

[–] [email protected] 22 points 4 days ago (1 children)

In our country the national do not call registry is fake.

We are so smart that we gave the management of it to a "non profit" foundation that charges legal call centers millions of euros. It's 10000x cheaper to ignore the law and call people illegally from abroad. If get caught (very hard as numbers are spoofed, not illegal to spoof a number) pay the slap on the wrist and continue operating illegally


Many users bought Resident evil for iOS because it was working offline. Perfect for long trips. But a new update adds a mandatory DRM online check at start-up.

I wrote bought, but actually the word is rented. One day Capcom stops updating the games (and this is 100% guaranteed) and a few years later the "owner" gets "This app needs to be updated to run on this iPhone"

Meanwhile, people who pirated a cracked ipa, don't get any issue in playing the game offline. DRM exclusively hurts the paying customers.


They made millions thanks to crypto bros buying the Solana phone (rebranded osom with custom ROM), claiming the free shit coins, then sending it to e-waste.

Unfortunately those millions weren't invested in new products but to fund the CEO lifestyle.

I love how the endgame was to trying getting acquired by HP for billions but that failed.

Everyone's (also humane ai pin) trying to get acquired by HP, the ultimate bagholder, expert in overvaluing failed startups


The share is higher than you would expect because they include all apple devices in them because the apple soc is capable of running ai. Of course who's buying a MacBook it's not doing it because "it's an AI PC". Should have included all gaming PCs then...

The report says Lenovo ai PC shipments went up 228% last quarter. Uh... They put on sale their copilot+ devices on the last week of Q2, then of course at the end of Q3 you have such high percentage. They could have said "10000000000000000000000% yoy increase"


No, it's not phishing, it's legit, the header match with google and the link goes to

Why not just write the message there instead of letting me login to watch the important notification?????????????????


Apparently xitter saw an access from Russia (even if it's blocked by the government) and had no problem in giving full access to change immediately the password, disable 2fa and start scamming followers.

It seems an easy attack to fix IMHO: if access from Russia (or a country from the other part of the world) on a business account that always tweet from the same place, then deny access even with valid stolen session cookies


Can you notice that it's a bit leaning to the right?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

One day many years ago I had too many drinks and being stupid and naive and I bought adobe cs5. I still use it on the same computer I installed it a decade ago. Activated and installed only once. Today they revoked the access to it. Clicking the link they say "revoked because purchased from an untrustworthy reseller"

Yeah... untrustworthy reseller, look at the invoice and see who sold&shipped that physical copy...

sold by adobe themselves

Contacted support, they said that they won't do anything about it because it's EOL.

Moral of the story: don't do like me. If buying isn’t owning, piracy isn’t stealing. Never give your money to Adobe.


questi assumono gente sottopagata per rompere le palle da mattina a sera

a chi è titolare di questi call center ci vorrebbe l'ergastolo ostativo con il 41-bis


Per il mio catorcio immatricolato nel 1994 per evitare di pagare un premio assicurativo superiore al valore del mezzo, avevo fatto un contratto con scatola nera dell'intesa san paolo.

Ne hanno di due tipi. Una più complessa, un quadrato di 15x15 cm che richiede di essere installato sul parabrezza per vedere i satelliti, smontare tutto il cruscotto, tagliare fili, inserire la massa, ecc. Questo è pensato per le auto più vecchie. Per le auto nuove hanno invece uno più semplice, si attacca alla centralina, si mette sopra la batteria e prende i dati via canbus. Costa molto meno sia di installazione sia di realizzazione. Come minimo risparmiano 100 euro di installazione presso il loro elettrauto convenzionato.

Adesso ho cambiato automobile con una più moderna, sono andato a cambiare la scatola nera dando per scontato che avrebbero semplicemente messo quella sulla batteria come fanno tutti gli altri e... MURO DI GOMMA. "No, il contratto originale prevedeva l'installazione invasiva, quindi rimontiamo il box gigante con smontaggio totale del cruscotto e ci deve lasciare l'auto per una settimana".

Non c'è stato nulla da fare. Sono stato due ore in filiale a discutere. "Per i nuovi contratti sui nuovi veicoli montiamo quello light in 10 minuti, ma siccome è un vecchio contratto, il sistema ci obbliga a rimontare quello invasivo."

Al che ho fatto presente che visto il furto che ho subito con l'acquisto della nuova auto, non ci pensavo assolutamente a farmi smontare l'intero cruscotto per una ragione così burocratica: o mettete la scatola light o si applica il diritto di recesso.

La risposta che mi ha lasciato abbastanza sconcertato: "bene, allora per recedere dal contratto mandi una raccomandata a xxx con scritto yyy e facciamo rimborso"

Potevo capire se per ragioni economiche/ecologiche avessero rimontato quello vecchio prendendolo dalla vecchia auto, ma dice che no, quello va in discarica, e ne rimontano comunque uno nuovo di zecca.

A me non pare il vero, ho visto che con altre assicurazioni posso risparmiare 100 euro e non avere scatole nere antiprivacy...

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