
joined 11 months ago

Gaza fights for surfing santas. How can anyone let such spirits what they have invoked. Palestine is suppose to be where people go to heal.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago

Know when to fight and when to walk away. Battles that can't be won aren't worth fighting. Rest if you need it.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago

This sounds like an example of what Lenin was talking about in “Left-Wing” Communism: an Infantile Disorder. Not all the Pro-Palestine folk are well principled, but I don't think that has much to do with an excess empathy. It's often hard to tell the difference between treachery and ignorance.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago

Religion is the opium of the people.

-Karl Marx

Opium is a wonderful in the case of a person dying or in great pain, but in other circumstances, can be quite harmful. Contemplating religious concepts can be helpful for getting through extremely trying times. It can provide comfort in the face of the unknown. This allows religion, like corrupted science, to be twisted into something used to support atrocities. Sadly because some people seek truth through religion, and rely on religion for their morality, it is easily twisted into a weapon of war. It is similar to the way opium was turned into a weapon of war against China in the mid 19th century.

I like to think of religion as a pain medication for the spirit. Even in a wholly just society, people die. Their loved ones will feel that pain, and religion can provide some relief.

Everything matters (
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

We are all drops in an ocean we call society.

Drops in the power plants make electricity.

Drops in the factory make our things.

Drops can share ideas with their writings.

No two drops are the same

Some drops want to chase fame

Some drops will choose to fly

Some drops want to know why

No two drops are the same

Some drops want to dodge shame

Some drops will write

Some drops will fight

Together we are a tidal wave

Alone we will simply cave

[–] [email protected] 0 points 5 months ago (1 children)

That may have been true in the past in the US, but this three way split isn't helping us. There could be an opportunity here, alot people are just voting against the other guy.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Couple of the candidates seem to be leaning in that direction.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 5 months ago (7 children)

This isn't about making a difference in the system. It's about deciding who could lead the revolution.

It is one of many tools that need to be used to make a difference.


I know voting by itself cannot bring about change. However the right person in the right position, who is supported by the people, would have a legitimacy that revolutions often lack. The establishment candidates won't even debate, how can they be considered legitimate.

How am I suppose to choose between the three hopefuls I actually like though?

Jill Stein seems like she has the best chance to win, but I don't know if she is revolutionary enough.

Cornel West seems like he might actually be able to kick off a revolution, but I don't know if he could win.

Claudia de la Cruz seems amazing but is still very much a bit of an unknown.

Am I just suppose to roll the dice here? I think I could vote for any of these three with a clear conscience, but my favorite depends so much on the day.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 6 months ago (1 children)

It's hard to win because malice and disregard for the truth are often hard to prove, and loosing the case can be more damaging. It has however one of the few I ways I know of to convince people that reporters got it wrong.

The hit piece about rape from the NYT keeps getting cited, despite it's sources claiming their words were twisted.


Libel is to publish falsehoods into print that may excite public hatred. It can be hard to prove because malice or reckless disregard for the truth is difficult to prove.

Given the source of the horrific and false claims is one that has not been truthful or accurate in the past, repeating the statements as facts without first verifying would suggest malice or at least reckless disregard for the truth. Even more suggestive of malice those are statements from interviews where those interviewed have come forward to complain. Printing a rape fantasy as though it's fact does real harm, and must be stopped.

Funding for UNRWA was cut because of this reckless disregard for the truth. A celebrity was able to sue another for this, and the damages are far more clear in this case. The Arab-phobia in the media is making all of this worse and has to stop. Those responsible for publishing this trash must be held to account.

I can't afford to, but I'd like to know if anyone is. If a group was able to have a court consider charging Biden with genocide, there must a court willing to hear the case of libel against those who publish it against Palestinians.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The destruction of Palestine is impossibly evil. Jews, Christians and Muslims lived in peace there for a long time and created great art and prosperity. I know this through Arabian nights. Zionism was pretty unpopular in Jewish culture till the holocaust, and seems to be starting to wain. In Christianity, Zionism seems to be a prayer for the end times. Zionist benefit from Jewish people moving there. You can't have a Jewish democracy if the majority of the people aren't Jewish. It was roughly equal before.

The non-Jewish Zionists want to send all the Jews to that scrap of land. They actually consider negation of the diaspora a good thing. I am not Jewish, but Jewish people have been there for me. I need to be there for them. I can not allow this movement that wants to make my Jewish friend feel like where there live or where they were born is not their home. I stand against the existence of the Zionist Entity. To that end I will do my best to make sure all Jewish people I know are okay. I will not bring this up to them, it'd be like bring up a murderous uncle.

Palestine must be free. I want to go back to normal life, but the bombs have to stop falling. Unrwa must be funded. What can I do to help that come back?

What can I do now? I want to march but I'm not seeing any marches near me. I live in the belly of the beast.


There are many reasons for me to quit smoking, but the Palestinian cause is a strong addition. I cannot support Palestine effectively if I am dead. To continue smoking as such is to hurry along the end of that condition. So I will not lite up 20 times a day anymore.

Also, smoking a pack a day had become part of my identity. In the same way, many of those who were pushed to support the US backed governing body of the land between the Jordon river and the Mediterranean sea, have let ethno-nationalism become part of their identity. Many of them are letting that part of their identity go. I will let the pack smoker in me go in solidarity with everyone who used to support oppression but now knows how wrong that was. Pack a day smokers are a class of people. I have decided to exit that class.

My support for Palestine gives me strength. Standing with Falestine means trying to survive. That means trying to be healthy. Falestine has given me a boost to quitting smoking. I'd have some trouble supporting if I am not alive.


I'm contemplating talking to my local organizers about this next time I see them, but I wanted to know if I'm missing something first. Most of the marches I've gone to have been well organized, but I've been having trouble making sure I know about them. Also when it's time to stop I always want to stay and chat, but they end environment is rarely conductive to that. I was wondering if I'm on the right track here.

The Purpose of Marching

The ruling class would have us believe that marches are there only to speak truth to power. While that is part of it, it is the least important part. Marching grows the movement, are physical exercise, help test organizational strategies, and more.

While it's important to walk through crowded areas, it's also good to go through business and residential areas. For some people it'd be easier to talk to someone in a large crowd who just happens to be walking near them than to some anonymous person on the internet. The average person is going to be curious, but afraid to ask and unmotivated to learn. This is why we need to give them every opportunity we can muster.

Marching tests our organizational and physical ability. People who really care about the movement want to help provide for it. Things like food, water, and first aid, need to come with the march to keep people safe. They help us to prove that we are not the problem. A well run march shows we care about our community. Long large that require most people to travel, require some logistics. Smaller local marches can help us prepare for that.

Civil disobedience often involves confrontations with the police. Police almost always follow marches because disorganized marches end in looting and or destruction of property. Frequent peaceful marches that end peacefully are hard to spin and allow people in power to get use to them. They still grow the movement though. When the time comes for civil disobedience, it might be harder for them to go after the people they've been following for an extended period of time. Those who march regularly will also be more physically fit.

The greatest power of marching is in growing and strengthening the movement. More frequent smaller local marches are going to be more effective at doing this than large marches in important places. While the big are important, they are strengthen by the smaller ones that provide an intro to the bigger ones.

High Frequency Marching

I'd like to suggest a strategy of marching for a cause, like Palestine, that will be on going for many weeks, to do the following:

  • Set a weekly march schedule
  • Vary the course of the march
  • Limit pep rally
  • End march at a comfortable place Each of these points is explained below.

Weekly Schedule

If possible there should two of these times set per week. One on the weekend around midday, and one weekday evening. The same spot or spots should be used every week.

This makes it easy for people who may join the march midway to figure how to get more involved should they so desire. It's typically pretty easy to remember a single time rather than a whole schedule full of different times. Having a weeknight makes it easy for the person who has commits on the weekends, having a weekend allows the person who can't come on that weekday. Regularly walking a long distance will have health benefits for us as well. The consistency would also lead to the marches becoming part of the status quo, leading to the smaller that grow the movement being ignored by the ruling class and their supporters.

The course

The course that is march should be varied every week. The length of the course should vary as well. Planning routes through various as segments that can be pieced together in a few ways should make that easier. It's important to make sure as much of the area with potential allies is covered.

This will allow more people to see the marchers. It also would make it harder for unscrupulous actors to join the march. Additionally by marching through different areas, people who regularly join the marches will have a better understanding of the area they are marching through. Many people have become isolated and barely know their own neighborhood these days.

Pep Rally

This should be between fifteen minutes and half an hour. A short pep talk is fine, but the extended speeches should be done at the end of the march, not the beginning. The majority of this time should be spent telling people what is not acceptable, and who they should follow. It can also include practicing a few chants although it's fine to just say we're going to get ready to go in afew minutes.

Stopping for speeches along the march is fine, but at the start it's mostly just going to be preaching to the choir. It is important that the people who care enough to show up at the starting point know what to do if things go wrong though. Also this is most vulnerable part of a high frequency march because it is consistent. It seems to wise to limit the exposure to danger here.

End of March

The end point of the march shouldn't necessarily be the place it started. A few places that serve food should be selected as end points for the march. The closing of the march should be the time for any extended speeches and organizational housekeeping, outside of the chosen snack vendor (coffee shop, bar, restaurant, etc.). The snack vendors should be contacted before being chosen, to ensure they are allies and ready for a potential crowd.

Speeches outside the snack vendor would help anyone the march picked up understand exactly why we are out there marching. Those who manage to make it to the end of the march and through the speeches are likely the people who should be joining the movement. Stopping outside the snack vendor would allow the organizers to invite those interested inside. It can also help the snack vendor, as it will bring them more business. Supporting businesses that we agree with can help them stand up to monstrous ones.

Closing Thoughts

High frequency marching may help transform all of the spontaneous energy we have into a capable revolution. It could open the doors for many of those with no contact to us but who agree with us to join us and evolve. As it seems the main goal at this point is to grow the movement in a principled way, I would theorize that this could be a path forward. By avoiding the scrutiny of the ruling class and it's supporters, we are less likely to be destroyed by them.


I heard some audio of this on Means Morning news, so I looked up the footage. The comment section was disturbing so I'm bringing it here.