joined 1 month ago
TIL about Clarke's three laws, the most famous of which is the third: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
TIL about the region-beta paradox, the psychological phenomenon that people can sometimes recover more quickly from more distressing experiences than from less distressing ones
They're using walking (region alpha) vs biking (region beta) region as an analogy: "paradoxically" you'll reach some further distances earlier, based on your choice of mode of transport. Which wouldn't work in my case cause I'll take the bike to the grocery store down the street. At any rate, your "choice" of defense mechanism influences your rate of recovery, is what they're trying to say
TIL about the five modes of snake movement: concertina, serpentine, sidewinding, rectilinear and slide-pushing
TIL about the five modes of snake movement: concertina, serpentine, sidewinding, rectilinear and slide-pushing
TIL about the five modes of snake movement: concertina, serpentine, sidewinding, rectilinear and slide-pushing
TIL about the five modes of snake movement: concertina, serpentine, sidewinding, rectilinear and slide-pushing
TIL about Planet Nine, a hypothetical ninth planet in the outer region of the Solar System.
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Don't know what that means but it sounds freaking amazing