
joined 2 weeks ago
[–] 4 points 12 hours ago

Common Sense Skeptic's videos sure are fun to watch again.

[–] 1 points 23 hours ago (1 children)

Again, how will this happen? This is just technical illiteracy, my friend.

[–] 1 points 23 hours ago

So nothing at all like the dramatic stuff people have been telling me so far? Hmm, interesting.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (2 children)

That's nice, what does it report? Cookies? PUP?

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (3 children)

That's amazing, it's had years to have its field day. Where is it, please?

You guys understand you have to actively install malware and viruses, right? It's not like on TV with a skull and crossbones appearing on the monitor.

[–] 20 points 2 days ago

Uh huh, but collecting Blurays is just silly I've been told.

[–] 34 points 2 days ago (10 children)

It's a uniparty and it's not there to help you, prole.

[–] 13 points 2 days ago (12 children)

Browsing from a 12 year old laptop running Win7 ... what's the issue?

[–] 1 points 3 days ago

Weird, I thought I added the URL to this post, but I don't see it. So here it is


I noticed the "coming soon" sign a while back and now it's open. It's definitely a sense of "déjà vu", it looks pretty much like a Value Village in its layout, prices are the same. Lots of clothes, pots and pans, a few shelves of electronics, and lots of DVDs and VHS. Plus it's a 5 minute walk from the St Jacques Renaissance.

[–] 4 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

The banhammer is pounded quite randomly over there.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

T.C. is pretty cool


I thought those were just standard embossed letters but they're actually stickers and look really good. This is why I like physical media. And 1980s cheese.


Couldn't believe it. Not a big fan or anything but I paid 10$ for both sets.


Another one of my lucky finds. It's in pretty good shape but needs new belts. It's a monster to take apart and I don't have any belts so it's a bookend for now. 20$ is reasonable, and it looks so cool.


Heathkit Model O-12 tube oscilloscope. Found this among old suitcases and kid's toys at a Friperie Renaissance/Goodwill in Montréal. It still works, it's clean, I didn't need to do anything and it powered up.


In the last few months I decided to see what I could find on DVD and Blu-ray. It's a matter of luck and persistence but I do find good stuff now and then. Anyone else find missing Blu-rays from combo Blu-ray and DVd sets? Or DVD-Rs instead of pressed? And how do some people manage to scratch their discs so impressively?


Haven't seen this street performer in many years. Don't know if it's the same guy, he does look plumper now. In front of St James United March 8 afternoon.

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