Upvoting this story would likely get you banned on Reddit.
Are we gonna have to physically roll down our windows again?
No, their lack of voting meant they were fine with either candidate. Only 1.06% said they weren't fine with either.
No, only 1.6% or whatever made the effort to reject both and vote for someone else. Anyone who didn't vote were fine with either major party winning.
AOC has been saying things according to MSM.
Search Lemmy NSFW online, it's there, just disconnected? I still don't understand the different "nodes".
Apologies. I didn't realize Democrats lost their spines.
Honestly, hadn't logged in for a few days, so didn't even know I was severely downvoted. Leaving Reddit has helped me not scroll through every day for hours on end on Lemmee.
And good to know about the Brave CEO thing. I legit cannot keep up with everything.
It needs 60. It's dead in the Senate.
Time to become Johnny Silverhand then.
I'll take one Mexicano please. /s
Makes it easier for someone to place that bomb then.