
joined 1 month ago
[–] BalderSion 7 points 1 day ago

We've literally been told money is speech, but just as soon as people start organizing to vote with our dollar, we're sabotaging everything.

[–] BalderSion 6 points 1 week ago

Ok, so sure, a reasonably large chunk of all states education budget is going away, but for the states that do well, the hole will both be a smaller portion of the overall budget, and easier to make up.

No child left behind testing goes away, so the testing and standards all go away. You can bet the bottom 25 states in education ranking will quietly stop testing and claim they're doing just great!

It's the special Ed programs that are really going to catch hell. No dept. of Ed. no enforcement of standards. It will be the easiest portion to cut to save money, and the families left in the lurch will get nothing but thoughts and prayers to fill the gap.

[–] BalderSion 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Don't believe Trump lives in a world where "truth" and "lie" has no meaning. He doesn't lie to deceive. If that was his goal his lies would be more carefully crafted. He lies as a demonstration of power and test of obedience. He is absolutely saying things that no one believes are true, just to make his toadies nod along, just to ensure no one yet feels brave enough to question his pronouncements.

If none are willing to contradict his statements, none will hesitate to carry out his orders.

[–] BalderSion -2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

This is the sort of thing that makes me feel more sympathy for the Democratic party. The party simply can't win with the left.

The party leadership worked against Sanders candidacy because they are convinced a liberal can't win in America. I don't agree, but recognize with Nixon and Reagan dominating over leftist candidates, Carter ekeing out a win as a centrist, Clinton winning convincingly as a centrist, and Obama winning as a rather vague candidate, recent history has given limited reason think a leftist national candidate is a safe bet.

But if voters are supporting Cuomo and the party doesn't intervene the party is the wrong for not ignoring the will of the voters and tanking his candidacy.

I mean I get it. The left wants their candidates to win, but the lack of consistency is grating. It makes the centrist seem more sensible.

[–] BalderSion 2 points 1 week ago

Look up Bureau 13 Stalking the Night Fantastic. It's from the early 90's. It's got a lot of X-files vibes, but doesn't take itself particularly seriously, and it predates x-files. It's built on the all conspiracies are true trope, so it's quite gonzo. There's all sorts of gadgets the agents have access to that are prosaic today, so you probably want to run it in the era it was written in.

[–] BalderSion 2 points 1 week ago

The Open D6 system remains my favorite system. I've run my homebrew fantasy games as well as Star Wars games in the system, and have plans for others when the opportunity arises.

[–] BalderSion 11 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Without a purity test how can I tell which members of the tribe are loyal and which might betray me?

[–] BalderSion 2 points 2 weeks ago

For me this changes all the time as I invest in developing something, and inevitably something catches my attention. I'm pretty invested in the Open D6 system, so I'm always riffing on this system.

Lately I've been penciling out a game where a party is rewarded with the Charter to the king's casino. I started with the idea of inverting Ocean's 11, since every party ever wants to rob a casino as soon as they learn there is a casino. So, the idea is the party has control of a casino and now they have to deal with organized crime, card counters and sharps, rivals, labor disputes, royal demands, and the occasional party that thinks they've got a surefire plan for an epic heist.

[–] BalderSion 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

From age 6 until 18, and age 33 to 45 I've line dried clothes, three seasons a year. I can recall one time a bird pooped on a bed sheet.

Do you live below a pigeon roost or something?

[–] BalderSion 4 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I grew up line drying my clothes, and when I bought I house the first improvement we made was installing a clothes line.

If you find clothes and towels stiff after line drying, but there are options to address that issue.

[–] BalderSion 1 points 2 weeks ago

The reason is apparent in history. Party leadership lived through Nixon and Reagan's punishing wins over a liberal leaning Democratic party. Labor support went lukewarm, and their funding stream dwindled. The left absolutely utterly to fill the gap. Clinton ran and won as a centrist, and just as important his cohort had a plan to fund the party. The ranks of party leadership were filled with this cohort, and the left hasn't done the work to take back party control.

I quite like Sanders, but his vision of a groundswell of public support fails to account for the importance of campaign spending in election outcomes. It's not enough for a few charismatic candidates to win, a party needs to win to effect change, particularly in a federal system. That reality, in my opinion, is why the left is still shut out of party control.

All this too say, the party should stand as an anti-oligarchy party, but the party needs a cohesive vision of what what that means.

[–] BalderSion 4 points 2 weeks ago

I'm reminded of the story of Garg and Moonslicer, and I wish more publishers would lean in to this approach to good and evil. A purely lore approach would be enough to frame the conflict around, some races are naturally social creatures, and some races are naturally antisocial. Both have hierarches, but not all races have the same natural concepts of fairness and justice. Any individual can embrace either world view or a mix, but one comes more naturally to each race. Even if humanity is naturally a good race (debatable, but whatever), members can obviously deviate significantly.

Ultimately it doesn't mater what race the slavers are, I'm not going to worry about the ethics of self-defensing a party of slavers to death as PC or GM.

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