And Murca fucked that up too.
Krasnov already tried this all before, in his first term. And failed miserably.
Same old weird tired Putin-puppet needs new tactics, lol.
We should start with Civil Defence Corps training.
Exactly, we hit the bully, we don't talk to Fox n Friends.
You're just not eating enough carrots, my dude. You got measles due to carrot deficiency.
If you're really into this, like me, I suggest using Edmonton's "Shop Canadian" app. There's other apps too. As you use it, you're going going to find ratings from other users as to how Canadian it is. It's data crowdsourcing at its best.
CBC's other apps:
Ratings are from 1 to 5 stars, where 5 should be "Product of Canada" owned by a Canadian company. A rating of 1 is not Canadian at all. I usually rate a 3 or 4 for "Made in Canada". I rate a 2 on things like NoName where it's "prepared for" a Canadian company.
You can rate each product yourself, if you want, and it can save you a lot of time reading labels when there's ten ketchup brands to look through.
I'm still waiting for that natural immunity to ebola to kick in. Am I malnourished?
You don't need to, Canada gives it at steep discounts already.
“We are unabashedly pursuing a [RUSSIAN] policy of more ~~American~~ energy production and infrastructure, not less,”
FTFY, Murca
Murca fucked it up. Same story.