45 House Dems Help GOP Pass ICC Sanctions Bill to 'Protect Genocidal Maniac'
We should just call it like it is and refer to Democrats as 'Lesser Republicans'
We have two right wing parties in the US. They pretend to oppose each other in public, yet they both take bribes and marching orders from the same rich donors.
oh man I wish we had limited our interactions to countries that border either the atlantic or the pacific.
Isn’t retaliation against the court also a crime itself? Or is that the ICJ?
We’re a country full of assholes.
Democrats 2024:
"Democracy is at stake and you need to vote like your lives depend on it!"
Democrats 2025:
198-185 and it still passes.
Yeah the Dems didn't help, but helped show they're not who we want representing us.
both sides!!! lol