King of Tokyo’s energy cubes have always looked delicious.
Board Games
Let's Play a Game! A place to discuss all things board game, regardless of genre. Everything from Scrabble and Catan to Ark Nova, 1830 and beyond is fair game! That means we have blackjack. Bring your own hookers, sorry.
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Discussion should be at least somewhat related to board games and all that entails.
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If you're a monster snacking on radioactive waste, I agree wholeheartedly!
Chinese Checkers
Scrabble tiles have always looked weirdly edible to me.
Wingspan. Those eggs look fucking delicious
I comment on wanting to eat the Azul pieces every time I play.
They look like Starbursts.
"Go" pieces always look delicious
Those Azul bricks man, they feel fantastic. I kind of love the way my Quacks from Quedlingburg looks with the printed add ons and custom baggies:
But Sagrada takes the crown for looks I think:
Azul no contest, they look like sweets.
100% agree. They look like starburst.
I'm kind of partial to these:
Grape Escape sucked as a game, but the Play-Doh that came with it sure did smell good and look pretty delicious once you pressed your player pieces out.
Wingspan and Wyrmspan
The eggs just look like peppermint candy to me ^^