This was foreseeable:
Note: Our temporary logo is from The Wildlife Trusts. We are not officially associated with them.
Our winter banner is a shot of Shotley marshes, Suffolk by GreyShuck.
This was foreseeable:
according to experts
Honestly I can't think of a more insulting metaphor for Brexit than "we're going to dump raw sewage in your waterways and beaches". Well done Brexiters. Brutal.
Trust the Tories to use Brexit as a chance to declaw water regulations. Would be great if Labour would do something about that, but I don't have high hopes
Who knew you needed a law to prevent people from shitting in the water supply.
I'm going to remember this next time I'm developing a civil society:
Rule 1: nobody's allowed to shit in the water supply
Rule 2: Hookers and blow are optional
Another Brexit dividend, I see.