That's really sweet! What a great interest to have!
I'm a new father and my son is only 5 months old.
I know its not a competition and children especially this young aren't on a strict timeline, but I'm proud of his milestones that he's hitting and also proud of ourselves as parents for doing what we are with him. I feel like he's getting a good foundation (though, honestly, I am feeling a lack of motivation and a tad down at the moment for mental reasons and am trying my best to make sure that doesn't impact him).
So far he's pretty much hit milestones to the day. He's started rolling over, smiling, laughing, staying sat up (with a little help) and he's fast approaching solid foods and rather enjoys eyeing up whatever we're having. He likes baths and showers, he's quite happy playing on his own and will smile at anyone.
I have heard from my SO that other parents that she's met haven't put as much time into tummy time and so they aren't quite as able (of course no bad reflection on the parents - we all have busy and tiring lives).
On the other hand, he's started screeching like a pterodactyl which is only doing my head in a little bit. I have been trying my best to encourage blowing raspberries which are wholly easier to manage albeit with a significant increase in dribble quantity. He's also been battling bad reflux which has been a bit stressful so it's not all smiles and screeches, but largely its going well.