
joined 1 year ago

I feel bad for the fans in Arizona, but I think it's time. I also think the NHL will be back at some point. They'll give it another go like in Atlanta, and who knows, maybe they'll be more successful.


Not sure how important this is to most people, but I'm a bit of a jersey nerd and this has a lot of important information regarding the upcoming switch to Fanatics as the official NHL uniform designer.

Retail pricing, a new Pro version that offers a true on-ice feel and more besides. Definitely worth a watch if you're looking at picking up a jersey in the next year or two.


Second time this season no? And with my Leicester side, and Forest also catching heat it looks like the Premier League is taking this stuff very seriously.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (1 children)

I mean it was called Brainiac and it did have John Tickle walking on top of a pool of custard. Are you suggesting I was wrong to use that as my foundation for all knowledge??

[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 months ago

You're right. But in the interest of no stupid questions I thought I'd ask anyway, know, what if?.

And thanks for the grammar lesson, I didn't ask for that one but I'll take it on board.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 5 months ago (3 children)

Thank you.

I think I saw a show 20 or so years ago that tried to debunk this and obviously either they messed up, or I wasn't paying attention.

(The show was called Brainiac).

[–] [email protected] 7 points 5 months ago

Turned 2 a few weeks back. I think we're entering, or have just entered the terrible twos. Fun fun fun.


I'm thinking that no, it doesn't. Which begs the question of why we do it? Is it a psychological thing?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 5 months ago

Disney+ UK for certain. I'm not sure how it works out across other regions but I saw a Tiktok that said it was available worldwide.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 5 months ago (2 children)

Son broke my favourite mug. And he then threw my phone at my wrist, which hit my watch and scratched the phone screen. Yeah, its been a fun one.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 5 months ago

I've stopped looking at my notifications on Reddit, it's just too anxiety inducing for me. Thankfully I've not had that same problem here, although I'm sure it'll happen eventually.

Hope you feel better.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 5 months ago

Don't worry. If she's anything like her Father she'll be more interested in Eugene Debs than Donald Trump.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 5 months ago

She used to. We've put a stop to YouTube though because she turns into a little demon after watching it.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 5 months ago

I'm already half way there being a big NHL fan.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Maybe I could use that time to watch The West Wing? I've heard nothing but good things about it but...who's got the time.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 5 months ago

Joking aside, the scene where Tywin schools Joff on how no true king needs to say that he's a king is peak GoT. Absolutely incredible writing, acting and production from all involved.


Although not very handy for me because I live in the midlands. I didn't want to see it anyway. Nope. Looks like another evening of sitting on social media and regretting my life choices. Sigh.


For example, switching out the word 'boot' for 'trunk', or ditching the word 'rubbish' for 'garbage'.

This is something I've noticed my 6 year old does pretty regularly. We went through a stage where 'sweets' became 'candy', 'holiday' became 'vacation' and 'courgette' became 'zucchini'.

That last one didn't happen but if you're still reading you've got my respect, or as the Americans might say '...mad props'.


Jurassic Park for me. I had an amazing JP jumper when I was like...maybe 6. It was far too big for me but I loved dinosaurs. Naturally this meant I wanted to watch the film because...well I'm 6 and it's got dinosaurs.

Ultimately I ended up watching it with my Mum and Dad. We got as far as the iconic T-Rex chase scene and I told them to turn it off. Didn't go near the film for another few years.

I've now got my own 6 year old. There's no scenario I could envisage where I even consider letting her watch a film as gory, tense and frightening as JP.


As a small child I was absolutely convinced that people in the olden days lived their day to day lives in black and white, and that they walked slightly faster than we did today (assuming a frame rate thing?).

I'm gonna put this one down to my understanding of how TV worked as a ten year old. Everything before colour TV was black and white... therefore everything was black and white. Makes perfect sense.

What about you?


I've got two kids and it feels like at least two of the four of us has had a cold going back to mid-december.

I've had this cough thing for the last few days, figured I was over the worst of it...until I woke up this morning with a horrifically blocked nose; been sneezing and blowing my nose since. Will it ever end?


There's a good crossover between the best Rugby nations and the best Cricketing nations; I'm assuming this is down to good old fashioned British colonialism?

Which leads me to wonder why Rugby never gained the same level of support in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka as it did in New Zealand, South Africa, Australia and Fiji.

Or am I totally wrong and the two things aren't remotely related?


So some idiot crashed into my car on Monday night (whilst it was parked). The best part? It's happened twice in two years. Fun right?

Anyway. I'm viewing some cars tomorrow. I've got a budget. 4k at an absolute maximum (primarily because I'm convinced it's going to get wrecked again).

I'm going on my own and I know next to nothing about cars so I'd really appreciate any tips or clues as to what to look out for.

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