they do understand we all fucking vote right? we can all buy guns, we all are very smart.
United States | News & Politics
"Must Pass" Defense Bill
LOL, as if Democrats couldn't refuse to vote. I'm so sick of excuses. As if their poor hands are tied and we shouldn't expect them to actually be an opposition party.
They want to kill us. They're just going after children first, but make no mistake, the plan is eventually zero federal dollars for any form of gender affirming care.. Gender affirming care will have to be outsourced to independent clinics that don't take federal dollars, like abortion services, and that's going to mean a lot of us lose all access. And, like abortion services, that also means it'll be up to the states to ban it entirely.
I'm not going to die quietly.
No, this needs to be a fight they don't win easily, and trans people mustn't be left to fight it on their own. What organizations are fighting for trans people in the USA? Does any organization take donations to help fund gender-affirming medical care for people who can't afford it? Does any organization take donations for good lawyers to fight every one of these moves on behalf of trans people? I'm not even in the USA but fascism is rising everywhere and we need people everywhere to get active in this fight.
I'm of the opinion we need an armed trans rights org. The Pink Panthers, maybe.
They want to ban my HRT? They can come and fucking take it
Pink Pistols is a thing.