RFK Jr.’s dinner
Creepy Wikipedia
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Creepy? No.
I find brain worms to be creepy personally. Based off of RFK Jr. the people that eat it are also creepy
Brain worms are 100 % creepy (I'd even say quite scary). Didn't know you could get them from parasites like those found in roadkill. Did a quick look and you're right. Seems like pork and raccoon tapeworms are the most common sources. Thanks for pointing that out.
I don't think I've ever known someone who eats roadkill, but if I had to imagine one, I guess I'd think they were creepy also.
I guess my comment wasn't very well thought through.
No biggie friend. The fact that you are willing to listen and reanalyze says a lot about you. It is very much appreciated
Always willing to at least try to view things from another perspective. Especially with actual valid points. That's what a career in research does I guess. Thanks for your appreciation.
reduce, reuse, recycle!
I'll have mine well done please
Hey man, meat is meat.
Roadkill is practically vegan from an ethics point of view. Veganism is all about the most reasonable reduction of animal harm possible. Eating an animal that's already been killed does not cause further suffering to animals, and since roadkill draws scavengers to the roadside, the presence of roadkill can lead to further animal death. Removing roadkill from the roadside is a net positive for animals. It's also more eco-friendly than the usual alternative which is to ship the carcass to a landfill and undergo anaerobic breakdown.
This has been quite the education TedTalk
No thanks.
yum would eat.