We couldn't afford the vest when we played this in my youth. #rip_bros #therecanbeonlyone
Hmm. Only one of the two shooting stories I read in the news today was about Americans. Something's wrong.
Let them self-select out of the gene pool.
I feel like 2 consenting adults committing almost murder on each other should be legal as long as others weren't in danger.
Well, if they were drunk, they can't legally consent...
They aren't having sex, a voluntarily drunk person can engage in stupid activities with another voluntarily drunk person and there isn't really an issue with either party "consenting".
Like if they were both voluntarily drunk and one shot the other and killed them during one of these exchanges, the shooter would still be responsible for a crime despite being drunk, and the other persons consent to the action isn't really applicaple to a manslaughter charge except you may get a plea deal. However I am an idiot, IANAL, so take all that with a grain of salt.
Also if I'm just taking a joke too seriously I'm sorry.
(By voluntarily drunk, I mean no one drugged them, they did this to themselves)
Survival of the fittest
I guess they did that on open streets?
Consent makes all the difference... but yeah bullets do tend to travel.
I would say if they didnt killed themselves in private area i would guess it would be "legal" but in the moment someone dies its murder and thats then illegal.
Are you suggesting the legal argument ad quod damnum: that it was, in legal fact, all fun and games until someone got hurt?
I think you're right, but it's possible theres some kind of regulation against shooting another person, even voluntarily. Them both being drunk under their own volition wouldn't enter into it. It would be Mona Lisa Perez, that lady who shot her boyfriend through a book for a YouTube stunt and killed him. She got 6 months for manslaughter.
Lol, probably. I doubt these guys had the judgement to do it in private.
Instructions unclear; Shoot in privates??