The Lemmy equivalent of r/195 on Reddit. Not officially affiliated (yet).
Any moderators from the reddit can have mod here, just ask.
There's another 196 over on [email protected]
Most people use the Blahaj.zone one so this place isn't very active.
Momento Mori
Eisenhower, the last good republican
The great works of Eisenhower while president of the US
Funding, and arming, paramilitary death squads to keep the price of super essential things like, like bananas, low by haveing the CIA create a coup in Guatemala. The resulting 40 year ethnic cleansing of Guatemalan natives. Project Ajax in Iran that other threw their government for the Sha. Operation Haik which attempted to coup Indonesia in 1958. Purging the government of dissenters under the auspices of them being gay, and basically making the burgeoning lavender scare policy. Was instrumental in the formative days of what became the Vietnam war. Created, and authorized, policy that basically gave the US DOD and CIA cart blanche to interfere with foreign powers in the interest of the US's industry.
These are just the things I can come up with off the top of my head.
I dunno, I had a lot of respect for McCain while he was still kicking. I might not have agreed with his politics but he was never malicious, unlike the majority of Republicans nowadays.
If the Holocaust were happening today Liberals would support it.
I see this is your other line of attack, clown.
Hope you're not defending the attack against Genocide.
With the power of generative AI and MAGA chucklefucks, now some bastard will just claim its a deepfake or a deepstate.
It sucks, and we're not ready for it.
One reason we know that the moon landings were real is that the technology to fake them simply didn't exist in the 1960s. They didn't even have video tape back then, let alone computer graphics. Add to that the fact that almost everybody in the US got their news from one of 3 TV networks, or from newspapers that actually cared about and could afford to do real journalism. That means that when people saw the moon landings they knew they were witnessing something real. It was unfortunately also easy to cover up real things (like MK Ultra) when you only had to deal with 3 TV networks.
These days, especially for Americans, there are no authoritative sources of truth. (Australia has ABC, Britain has BBC, Canada has CBC, but the US has no not-for-profit news source that doesn't have to worry about pleasing advertisers). Add to that that every kind of media is subject to "deepfakes" and other kinds of manipulation.
And, this now affects historical events. When people in 1969 witnessed the moon landing, almost nobody thought it was fake. In 1969 it would have been relatively easy to remove almost any doubts anybody might have. But, memories are faulty and it's so easy to create fake evidence, that now even people who were alive and watching it live when the moon landing happened are now starting to doubt it.
In courts, we require evidence of various kinds because we know how unreliable people's memories are. But, it feels like we're heading for a future where your own memories may be more reliable than any research you're able to do. And, we're just not ready for that post-truth world.
AI Generated Daguerreotype