Generally any headline that is that is phrased as a question can be answered with "no".
just science related topics. please contribute
note: clickbait sources/headlines aren't liked generally. I've posted crap sources and later deleted or edit to improve after complaints. whoops, sry
Rule 1) Be kind. rules:
I don't screen everything, lrn2scroll
This is a decent truism.
Can cause cancer, create tumours, trigger mental illness…
What about other addictive things!!! Sex? Can having sex make me remember where I live? My wife is hot! 🥵
ok boomer 🤡
Well, I don't know if we'll be able to reverse brain aging anytime soon, but we at least know some ways of slowing it down, like by language learning or some other mental tasks.
I personally recommend at least giving a try for learning a new foreign language, it's fascinating journey and even it might be hard at first it's very satisfying in the end. And some people might say that it's not worth it because of AI, but come on, you can still do it for fun, and bigger cultural understanding.
I've been stoned consistently since covid started. The only "sober" time is when I sleep. I don't think younger, but most things don't bother me. Want to improve your brain? Find consistent ways to reduce stress and perform them daily(like an hour walk outside). That will make you feel and think like a younger you.
You're definitely not sober when you sleep or you'd be talking about the wild ass/sometimes horrific dreams you get when you cut your intake.
This guy smokes
Lmao benzinga the pinnacle of science news
There is a real study it's referencing at least but these fucks are probably just trying to pump weed stocks
Nah, that just means it rewires stuff because of the experience.
Another drug that increases metabolism, protein, etc is cocaine. I have hunch these researchers already know what answer they want and are making crappy arguments to confirm themselves