Vote for Jill Stein and support the Green party in any way you can.
The memes of the climate
The climate of the memes of the climate!
Planet is on fire!
mod notice: do not hesitate to report abusive comments, I am not always here.
no slurs, be polite
don't give an excuse to pollute
no climate denial
and of course: no racism, no homophobia, no antisemitism, no islamophobia, no transphobia
I thought the same in 2016, so I voted for her. In hindsight she had zero chance of winning. She still has zero chance of winning.
We need to grow the party. You just voted and sat around watching our planet be destroyed, we have to do more.
I don't see how another Trump presidency is going to help.
I don't see how voting for what the post shows helps. That's what you're doing with a vote for Trump or Biden. We need to grow the Green party fast, no time left for your Dem shilling.
My 'dem shilling' is based on cold hard facts. I have thrown away votes on Jill Stein before. Rally support for third parties in local elections till the cows come home. Please! But if you think Jill Stein has any chance of accomplishing anything aside from splitting the left in this or any election you are delusional.
And personally Jill is the Hilary of the Greens. They can do better.
China is right! Stop eating cows. Go find weird animals like bats. If we're lucky enough, one of those bats will have a proper virus that will then remove most of us. Without eating cows, most cows will starve and stop farting. Most flights would stop, most traffic would stop, most industry would stop. Then just wait for 2 years for nature to cover everything in grass and trees. Easy peasy.
I'm doing my part. I stopped asking my brother to get married. That reduced the numbers from my family, you must do the same. Just don't pressure others into marriage and we'll have less people in no time! Maybe that's the economy's game? Can't afford anything anymore, why would we try getting married and having kids?
Do I understand?
Disaster is nearing. Mass displacement. Mass starvation. Mass death. It is all imminent. Do you understand?
That sound really bad. So then I have a couple questions.
- do you support new nuclear power? How about if the plant will be built near where you live?
- do you support Geo-engineering testing?
... if no then how could the consequences of that be worse then mass death and starvation?
Geo-engineering should be an absolute last resort and should not be considered viable until we are on the brink of destruction. We need to cut emissions not spray more chemicals into the sky because we're too fucking greedy to actually fix the problem.
Power generation is only one part of the problem, so I have questions for you. Do you support zoning reform? Do you support bike infrastructure and public transportation? Do you support spending billions on rail projects to curb plane use?
We can't techbro ourselves out of this problem, society needs to fundamentally change in order to solve climate change. Are you willing to change your way of life?
I'm ok with both. Whats your point?
That I don't understand why we're not doing more of those two things. Geo engineering seams to have strong opposition even within climate activist circles, and nuclear power use is on the decline.
"Nuclear costs too much, and nations can't be trusted to not cut corners" is basically what it comes down to for Nuclear. As much as I will always always always be a support of Nuclear, humans probably won't handle it properly. We haven't in the past, and I wouldn't trust that we've changed enough to handle it properly in the future.
I'm a fan of both, personally. I mean we are already experimenting with geo-engineering on an absolutely massive scale.
Why should I be worried, when I am more dangerous than a bear and privileged for having student loan debt?
Poor you
this is the dumb lemmy instance, isn't it?
Be less effort to say "please block me" next time.
Oh I didn't even notice the block button. That's actually less effort than typing out "please block me". Thank you for the last lesson you'll be able to give me!