Thanks for all the tips. Looking back, I think the problem is that I tend to move too fast, especially in long corridors (which is where I've found the traps). By the time I realize I've stepped on a trap, I've already taken a step. I don't know if I can consistently move slower, but I'll try.
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By the time you run into those, you should have some tools on hand to deal with it in the turn before you fall.
Not really. I would hate these traps if they were in sewers, but it's caves, by this point it's really unlikely that you have no options to deal with them. They give you one turn before you fall and you can use a consumable, artifact or subclass ability to get out of its range and you're fine
I haven't really had issues with that trap, and they seem to only begin to appear during the caves. There's a number of things you can do to deal with a pitfall trap once you've activated it:
- potion of levitation
- stone of teleport
- spell of feather fall
- hour glass
- chains
- scroll of teleportation
- the enhanced scroll of teleportation
- the special spell that allows you to teleport, but also be stunned (forgot the name).
- wand of repulsion (assuming a sufficient enough level)
Other things you can do to minimize damage:
- Healing potion (ignoring if you have pharmacopoeia)
- Potions of shielding (ignoring if you have pharmacopoeia)
- cleansing potion (to remove the bleed damage after the fall)
- The purity related seed (to remove the bleed damage, and assuming seeds work for your run)
- Any shielding ability from talents or sub class talents.
I'm uncertain whether I've died to the trap because usually i likely have a potion of levitation, feather fall, or any teleportation based items. I usually play with at least 6 challenges, but more recently with 9 challenges. I've played at least 700 runs, maybe 1,000 (switched phones several times)
What were the circumstances of your deaths?
Spell is phase shift, I can also think of Ally swap or any other ability which allows jumping or teleporting, such as Assassin's reach, Smoke Bomb, Heroic leap, some duelist weapon abilities etc.