I’m starting to think this illegitimate court loaded down with rapists and fascists is bad. Mmmmkay.
Piracy News
The Piracy community here on Lemmy and Reddit went to 💩 so I take over 🚤 🏴☠.
PN community is focused on news, laws, apps, history and everything connected to digital and real-world piracy.
We do not say piracy is in general right nor wrong. Please keep that in mind.
It is up to you if you use given info and links or not.
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Community Rules
- If you do not like this community, then consider blocking
- No direct links to illegal streaming stuff, which means websites that explicitly stream content, such as movies, audio or live footage.
- No Reddit Mods, who take legit stuff down. See paradox of tolerance.
- FOSS based tools are preferred due to malware + trust reasons. I see less and less reasons to prefer closed if there are solid FOSS alternatives.
- Submitted URLs must be shortened via tinu.be. Trolling or abusing this will result in a community ban. This must be done to maintain plausible deniability.
- You must submit a screenshot of submitted tool or website and provide a minimal description.
- Resubmission are only allowed if original URL changed, or there was a link update, 404 etc.
- No NSFW of any kind. I do not want to lure pedos and other sickos into this community.
- For lots of URLs submissions use base64, or the URL encoder.
- Respect original authors submission, no disrespectful behavior is tolerated.
- For DMCA please eMail or DM me first.
- No NSFW of any kind.
- Do not shit-talk community members, other members or the mods behind their back and then show up in here like nothing happend.
- No what this have to do with... questions, or straight ban, take the news or info or leave it alone.
- No URLs with tracking code e.g. AMP, clean links only.
- No Hitler or Vaccine stuff, history only allowed regarding Piracy not politics or social things.
Guild Image Credits
Time for our elected officials to do their job and change/modernize the copyright act
Haha right!
That’s gonna happen someday!
- We create ghost projects. Like, lots of them. Basically just ideas, like what a patent troll would do. "Pokemon Lemmy: it's a Pokemon clone with a Lemmy inspired story."
- Officially tell relevant companies and start a 3 yr clock.
- They are forced to treat every nothing-project as if it's a big popular IP stomping hit.
- If they don't do anything about the nothing-project after 3 years, you pick it up for real.
- ???
In most cases, the “clock” starts ticking from the moment the alleged crime or cause of the legal action occurs—or when the victim achieves the age of adulthood (usually 18) if they were a child at the time of the offense.
Texas statue of limitation: sexual assault, aggravated sexual assault: 10 years
Good job Texas. Get raped better say something within 10 years. Download Shrek 2 from YouTubeDownloaderDotJizz and you're on the FBI most wanted list the rest of your life.
As long as the claim is timely to when the infringement is discovered. Important clarification.
What if I discover it and just forget until I want to “discover” it?
It seems immaterial. It might as well be infinite.
That’s something that could come out during discovery. And refusing to supply it would hurt your case as well as the court can then assume whatever is most detrimental to your case as the reason you didn’t disclose it.
Some good info on Lawful Masses on YouTube. He’s a copyright lawyer.
What do that imply ? I don't understand the subtly.
If in 2025 you discover a case of infringement that occurred in 2000 you have until 2028 to file a case. That is you have 3 years from the point of discovery, and an unlimited time from the point of actual infringement.
You can’t know about it and not report it. Once you discover it you have to report it. So you may not know about it for however long but can still enforce it.