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i appreciate ff can do this and all, but isnt this usecase covered by you know, the browser history?
Well, no. Firefox deletes entries older than 6 months from history and there's no way to change this or to export the data.
I didn't know, that sucks so much.
Though, someone made a post on superuser and a reply said that you can back up the database, so at least something is salvageable
Yeah but if you import a backed up db wouldn't the old entries just get deleted?
You can change how often it deletes history items, I'm sure I've done that before
Mine has history going back to Nov 2022 (though I'm not entirely sure why it stops there).
Putting bookmarks in Folders, and using keywords for frequently visited sites is enough for me.
Imagine her reaction when she finds out that firefox got a browsing history feature
TIL my dad is a power user with his ":D" tabs in Chrome on Android /s
My grandma doesn't understand what tabs are and never closes them either.
Of course I know him, he's me.
What an idiot, thats why I have 7,400 bookmarks that I never intend to sort.
How is that a "power user"? That's just a poor way to use the browser. It's basically just 7400 bookmarks in one long list; you can't even group/nestle book marks on Firefox.
A power user would use something called "bookmarks" to organise that better.
Sidebery entered the chat
~~Hoarders~~ Household power users
im a scrub with just around 1k and opening and closing my browser a few times a week.
I dunno if I should be honored or terrified to know such people walk amongst us mortals.
I understand it since switching to vertical tabs via Sidebery. You can organize them into panels/groups/nested hierarchy, and tabs are only reloaded when you open them, so it's not as if you maintain 7k tabs in RAM. Think of it more like bookmarks that are actually organized and useful. It's what bookmarks might have been if not for Pocket.
Not heard of sidebery, but totally relate as a Tree Style Tabs user. That and multi account containers means I regularly have a couple hundred tabs per window...
Rookie numbers tbh.
That's barely two projects that I won't event finish worth of research.
Average night when you accidentally open tvtropes.
Should try that in chrome
That ain't no power user, that's a lazy tech who needs to clean up after himself and close a browser window every once in awhile.
McDonalds Power User Keeps 7,400+ drive through bags in back seat for 2 years!
Of course the tabs would just come back up next time they open the browser window again. Can't risk losing those precious tabs, there might be an important one among them.
Signed, a tab hoarder.
As a previous tab hoarder, excessive use of bookmarks is the answer. Organized is more useful, but even a single bookmark folder for all of your "I'll need this later" tabs will do wonders for you, and being a bookmark hoarder is so much more functional than being a tab hoarder. You can actual reset your browser every once in a while.
Why not both? I currently have around 400 tabs open, and I cant even count how many bookmarks I have.
But then I'll have to take an explicit action to keep my tab! I'd much rather have no action required to save that tab that I'm likely to never visit again.
Damn, that's a lot of tabs.
This must be her "superpower base"
I have no idea why anyone would do that, but for the bookmark collectors, checkout "404 bookmarks" which detects websites that are down.
Having a way to automatically use an archived version would be lit though
Like the Neil Peart of internet surfing!