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Ain't just gaming. I dropped a note on a home tech forum while being visibly female and very rapidly realised i'd forgotten how fucking neckbeardy rank amateurs are
I've been a network/systems engineer for 25 years, my fellow pros would never be so gauche.
Except dev.
Also, a disturbing number of misogynistic people in web design/web dev needing help from technical support. It was rather shocking and educational for me, as a cis male, to work as a support supervisor. I never anticipated the level of sexism and harassment that my female techs faced on a daily basis.
Everything from asking of they want to do porn to "can I talk to a man". I had several techs that had to change the names that they used for customer communications to male or neutral ones due to the severity on the unending sexism despite regular warnings to the customers that this behavior would not be tolerated.
Working sysadmin gets you four times more abuse because it's the crux of 'mean person won't let my idiot arse run rampant on a system because they're mean and i hate them' and 'fuck youse wimmen don't tell me what to fucking do'
It’s weird with devs. Most of us are fine but there’s definitely a sizable number of “tech bros” that absolutely are misogynistic. And it’s probably worse than I realize not being the target of it.
Except dev. 😞
Rather ironically, I'm actually married to a dev
Tell Dev to cut it out.
instructions unclear, husband now caught in ceiling fan ranting about SEO
Hasn't evolutionary psychology been heavily debunked at this point?
I think it's much easier to say that dudes have it hammered into their heads that girls are bad at games, so when they underperform and a girl is on their team, they feel emasculated. This isn't too far off from when dudes end up losing their 'bread winner' status in their relationship. They were told they had explicit traits to exhibit and they failed to do so, so it hits them in their self esteem. Classic fragile masculinity.
Patriarchal conditioning makes way more sense than "caveman brain HATE competing with woman!".
Yeah, the problem is it slips too easily into essentialism. "Oh we evolved this way, nothing we can do about it I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"
Especially for questions like this, which could pretty easily be explained by cultural influences, no need to bring evolution into it.
Hasn't evolutionary psychology been heavily debunked at this point?
It's not without a good heap of criticism, that's for damn sure.
I tend to think the social angle is more credible Because the behavior of being a dick to female-sounding voices in games is not a universal behavior. Those who aren't misogynists don't act that way. How strange.
The entire field of evolutionary psychology debunked? Do you mean the idea that our brains are subject to evolutionary forces like every other part of our anatomy? No, not debunked.
This is conflating specific methodological problems with theoretical claims. Yes, many have criticized the game theoretical methodology typical of evolutionary psychology. There are a lot of highly speculative junk claims out there. It’s also true that some (not all or even most!) cognitive scientists think that we cannot take the perspective that psychology evolved at all. But it is certainly untrue that there is some consensus that evolutionary psychology has been “debunked”.
This criticism is also a bit ironic given the highly speculative nature of the claims you put forward. Your guess sounds plausible I suppose, but I see no reason to think it’s any more methodologically rigorous.
Show me a prediction it makes
That’s not how science works. I understand that you’re trying to criticize the field, but lack of predictions, even reliable ones, is not itself a problem it has. For one thing, even false theories can make reliable predictions, like Levoisier’s defunct theory of caloric in the 18th century which has now been replaced by modern thermodynamics. The caloric theory can be used to make mathematically accurate predictions, but the underlying theory is still wrong.
Similarly, evo psych can make a lot of reliable predictions without saying anything true. On the contrary, one criticism of the field is that it’s unfalsifiable because an evolutionary theory can always (allegedly) be proposed to fit the data. Which is to say, you’re barking up the wrong tree.
One example: it is proposed that the fusiform face area of the brain is a domain specific module evolved for face detection. It’s present in other animals that recognize conspecifics by their face. In humans, damage to the area leads to face specific agnosia. The theory makes accurate predictions, but is it true? It’s still being debated.
Men of quality do not fear equality.
I wouldn't call a skilled gamer a man of quality though, not without more informations about him...
Anyone who can play support all day is a god
This is in my top ten favorite quotes.
Can someone please find the article they are referencing?
Edit: found it
Talk about being the change you want to see in the world. Thanks for the link, I appreciate it
There's further discussion in the second link where the original authors stand by their claim.
The two use different statistical methods to try to demonstrate the conclusion, and that's where the difference lies.
I'm not a big stats person, but I'm coming away feeling like the original claim is valid since a) it was shown in two different models the original author used and b) it makes intuitive sense to me.
misogyny is a skill issue
Always has been, weak men can't stand women outpacing them, this is not limited to gaming but basically anything and everything.
The issue with this is it’s too simplistic.
What it’s actually saying is “it’s easy to not be misogynistic as long as you’re significantly better than all the women”.
It does not imply that you won’t be misogynistic as soon as you are threatened.
Ie when status quo is maintained (patriarchy is intact for you) it’s easy to support women.
The reverse is not true unfortunately. Skilled men are often mysoginistic assholes too.
It would be interesting to see if it's really because of how they are as individuals or more about the response to social status thing. Like if they did an experiment where high performers were deceived into thinking they were actually performing poorly, and vice-versa, would the attitudes towards women be reversed or not? The conclusions in OP seem to imply the researchers think they would be.
My hypothesis is men with low self esteem would be more misogynistic vs men with high self esteem.
My hypothesis is that if you're a piece of shit, that will extend to all walks of life(misogny, sucking at video games) whereas if you are not, the same rules apply(equality, excelling at video games)
By being a piece of human garbage you effectively hamstring yourself in every field.
Had co-workers say they would never marry someone making more than them. Shit is so weird.
Maybe because it is not in realm of possible instead of something they don't want?
There are wealthy women out there, so it is entirely in the range of possibility. My mom's first husband left her when she started making more money as a lawyer than him. It's an ego thing.
My genuine theory is that many (if not most) people are emotionally stunted or emotionally immature. You don't get this kind of mentality from someone who is balanced.
Now expand that to every facet of life and you get the world we live in.
jfc, being a home-husband is the dream, their fucking loss
Been there, done that, it sucked.
It was great at first! But after 6-months I was depressed. Guess I'm the sort that requires the structure a regular job provides. Kinda been the same for WFH. :(
Hahahha most of our relationship i made more than his lordship. Now he makes more than me and he hates it. He wants to be a kept man, dammit
I'd do housework and care for the kids in a heartbeat if my wife made enough.
It shows how stupid and against your own best interests this kind of thinking can be.
I am the full time worker in my family, and happy to be the provider for them. However, I would be a stay at home dad / house-husband so damn fast if my wife got some random job mom making a lot more than me. I do have my priorities in order, after all.