Think about how you learned things throughout your entire existence. Honestly, do you remember how you learned to speak your first words? You were surrounded by people speaking around you, sometimes they sat you down and intentionally tried to teach you how to pronounce a word and what it referred to but most of the time you just absorbed things as a sea sponge filters out food from the ocean.
You keep doing your thing, keep having your political conversations, keep pointing out to people when their "its just common sense" statements are bullshit (you can be polite about it), and that's all you can do. You're just a pebble in the stream of another person's life. Alone you aren't making much of a difference but your continued presence affects them. If a few others do the same as you, and a few more, and a few more... all those pebbles can change the course of a stream.
Unless you physically are not safe, you don't need to hide your power level.