This man has a mental illness.
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I recently did some wiki digging into the formation of Israel and it legitimately surprised me how illegitimate the country is. They were given land (not a state) and welcomed by Palestinians, then they flipped their shit over time and took everything. They were not oppressed but radicalized over imaginary oppression and used it as a tool to oppress Palestine.
The whole world is complicit or gaslit into buying this garbage. Insane that the two state solution is seen as compromise to Palestinians when it should be considered the only compromise given to Israel.
If this chucklefuck showed up to your door and said that your home is now part of the Jewish state because the Torah said so, I think we know how most people would respond.
It's insane how many people have died because of arguments over who has the best Invisible Friend.
What's even worse is they all have the same invisible friend, it's just their rules that are different. God, Allah, Jehovah, Jah, YHWH, whatever you wanna call him, all the same guy. But somehow all the rules about what you're allowed to do and how you need to worship, those are all in different books written by different people at different periods in history.
I guess monotheistic religions just have in common that everyone believes in their own truth, and instead of accepting the differences, feel the need to go to war over it.
Maybe all those religions need to be banned, and only allow heno- or polytheistic ones. Especially the polytheistic religions seem much more exciting. But of course it is much more difficult to control the common folk with those.
Religion is a monstrous evil.
Settler colonialism is the evil, religion is the excuse.
But the Torah is fake? The people are real?
This is from the 2018 AIPAC conference. There's some critical commentary on this page:
Sounds like someone much more interested in other countries instead of the country he is supposed to work for.
Wow, fuck this guy. I wish I was in a district that could vote against this asshole.
Supporting god damn genocide bcz a fucking book says it's theirs.
Yeah, but the book also says the book is true, so you can't argue with that. It's just logic.
Well, can't argue with that. I guess I support Israel now, the books says I should.
Oh look, another day, another reason to blow this asshole out the goddamn airlock. I cannot wait to see someone primary this jerk.