Maybe I'd want to see disney remake a movie with modern ideals and values, but Disney doesn't have ideals or values. That's why this has taken over a decade, bastards keep scrapping it every time they get a little bit of heat. Same reason the sequel trilogy was half baked. Just leave it in the fucking oven til it's done, stop giving the whole world a view so far from the finish line.
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2024 discussion threads
Not just Disney, but all movie companies that are currently remaking their classic movies and let’s be honest not many of them are good. How about instead they remake the films that flopped the first time and make them better. The second go around?
Well, why the hell would I drag my ass to a theater to see a retread of a movie made by the same studio, when the studio already has a bad track record with remakes?
Like maybe beauty and the beast was a solid enough standalone movie to merit a theater trip. Maybe. But even that wasn't necessary, it was still just a retread made to keep their finger in the pie. It didn't offer anything more than the original, unless you're a hard core Watson fan.
The rest? Tepid at best.
Why would anyone think that this movie, with trailers that already show the cgi brings nothing interesting to the table, spend money on it?
I mostly agree though I didn't really like Beauty and the Beast enough to watch it more than once. I think Cinderella was the better of the live action remakes that they've made. I also didn't see the appeal of the LA Jungle Book.
They've been recycling the same thing since 1937, nobody gives a shit
People want original stories. The recycled IP scheme is burnt out.
Eh. Ever since i saw these mentally ill people who started crying during the lion king remake, i don't belive that anymore. There are enough people who just watch everything with a disney logo on it.
I wish that were true but people go bonkers over copy pastes.
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None of them are original, all of them are at best small iterations upon previous few. Majority of the people don't seem to want something great and different. They want something safe and good-enough.
Of the top 10 box office movies last year 9 were sequels, prequels or remakes. The exception was Wicked, as an adaptation of a very established IP.
They're reselling the IP to the next generation of kids.
People want original stories.
People often say that, but box office grosses tell a different story.
There's a difference between original story and original IP
Yeah, that’s not the reason this one is failing. I think it’s much simpler… it looks terrible and the CG dwarves are disgusting.
I haven't cared about any of their live-action remakes so far, but I have to admit I'm looking forward to the Lilo & Stitch one.
The only one I enjoyed was Branagh's Cinderella. Good visuals, no weird messing with the story, just a straight up retelling, just with good acting and direction.