This is Trumps RussiaGate revenge tour, libs need to recognize that if they want to maneuver him
World News
It transpires that Ukraine may not even have $500 billion in RE metals to give away (Inside China Business channel):
It's all just political theater as various capital factions compete in attempting to maintain Western Hegemony.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
just seen another angle where you can see trump is pushing him around 😭
You don't have any cards right now.
We are not playing cards.
You are playing cards.
Libs are super mad but I have seen 2 bit western journalists disrespect Asian and African leaders this way a bunch of times and libs celebrate it as clapping back.
I personally think it's great that everyone gets to see under the covers about what the empire thinks of you. Let's be clear, the dems lost on purpose so the right could do this and get applause from its audience. And then in 4 years we may flip over and the theater will play a different movie for the lib fans. But it's just theater at the end of the day.
Let’s be clear, the dems lost on purpose
This is a bad theory with nothing solid behind it. It sounds as silly to the people we're trying to get on our side as saying "the coach of your favorite team was actually throwing the game in your last loss."
Democrats lost because their ideology (and the money that shapes it) had taken the best actions off the table. They were absolutely trying to win, they were just (like everyone) trying to win on their own terms, and their own terms hamstrung them badly.
It’s really hard to think how this could’ve possibly gone worse. The whole thing started with Zelensky’s offhand suggestion of trading Ukrainian minerals for US aid which backfired catastrophically. Trump, ever the opportunist, seized on the proposal like a shark scenting blood. He initially framed it as Ukraine having to hand over minerals for future support, which he quickly turned into a demand for repayment of the $300 billion already spent, retroactively recasting aid as a loan.
By floating the minerals idea, Zelensky handed Trump a rhetorical weapon that let Trump box Ukraine into a lose-lose scenario of either surrendering resources or admitting to owing an unpayable debt. Zelensky got accustomed to Biden’s blank-check diplomacy, and completely misread the room here. Now, Trump has the perfect excuse to cut Ukraine loose. He will say that Zelensky lied about his willingness to make a deal, that he doesn’t appreciate US support, and that he was belligerent. The whole thing is an absolute debacle for Ukraine.
I don't see the need for the song and dance when he can pay 10k to a Turkmenistan mercenary or Ukrainian nazi to just Luigi him
Honestly after the way Zelensky got humiliated here, he should ask Putin to let Ukraine join the Russian Federation. It would spite Trump, it'd be funny as fuck, and Ukraine would probably get better treatment from Russia than it would under the US vultures at thos point.
that would be the most hilarious outcome
I feel Zelensky is joining the other allies of the empire very soon 🤣
I think to the average dumbass American that exchange made Trump look amazing. Which sucks. He gets to look like the defender of America against meanie ukrainians who want all its guns while simultaneously sending israel everything it wants and continuing the genocide.
really? idk to me both vance and trump look like wimps, zelensky being allowed to yap like that and not instantly being shut down in place makes them look weak. ive seen people have more authority in daily life tbh.
You gotta remember your a lot more educated on this tho. Most Americans are gonna see like a few second clip that the media cuts to make zelensky look extra mean and theyll use the "your playing with WW3" line from Trump to make him look like this big peace defender. Then theyll say he kicked zelensky out of the WH for being rude, and the average american will eat it up.
Everyone is pissing on the floor and demanding you respect how strong their piss streams are
I get way too much second hand embarrassment, can anyone tell me what the the exchange was?
vance: "mr zelensky, youre being disrespectful!"
zelensky: "no u"
trump: "putin was right"
thank you for the succinct summary!
Vance started with "bidens plan failed, we need diplomacy" Then zelensky said "What kind of diplomacy" and then it all went down hill with trump and vance trying to tell him that he has no cards left to play and they are trying to salvage what they can and he is just making stupid demands and excuses. zelensky said "Since the begining of the war we have been alone" and trump came in with " You havent been alone, We gave you through the stupid president 350 billion dollars. Your men are very brave but if we didn't give you our millitasry equipment this war would have been over in 2 weeks"
yay ty :)