this post was submitted on 06 Mar 2024
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Relationship Advice

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I'm part of the modteam for a book club. We have biweekly pub in-person meets, but we're primarily online. One of our members has a body-positive fitness social media presence. She shared this exchange with the modteam as a kind of "hey, this is a thing that happened."

We're currently discussing how to handle unwanted advances with the lady mods taking lead. Lots of planning talk that when applied to this instance may have blowback. Our discord club rules disallow being disrespectful (be respectful), but it isn't explicitly stated this extends to private conversations and in-person interactions.

There is an easy interpretation of the exchange can be summarized as, "Male user offers a makes a bad joke/compliment, is rejected, apologizes, and tries to reconcile." The prevailing interpretation is he is being a creep. I think the in-person interactions between the two is she stopped by a club meeting to say hi to us, and he was in attendance. He is a new member.

Is the exchange problematic, boys will be boys, or red flag, or yellow flag, or no flag? Is this a just have a talk with him, or tell him to take a hiatus for a couple weeks, or tell him to not come back? What's your read?

Male User, Day 1: Just want you to know I followed you and I can't help but it I am looking disrespectfully. You are ridiculously attractive.

Female User, Day 2: I don't think that's the compliment that you think it is.

Male User, Day 2: It was a meme I was attempting to reference and it clearly was not a good attempt. I'm sorry.

Male User, Day 3: I know I embarrassed myself yesterday but could I make it up by buying you a drink sometime? At book club or elsewhere?

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[–] [email protected] 0 points 8 months ago (2 children)

Guy chiming in but

Gut reaction says yellow flag, pull him aside tell them the behavior is not acceptable as warning and that a second incident will be cause for a ban from all club activities.

Gut also says, defer to the lady mods if they have a preferred method of handling it.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 8 months ago (1 children)

They expressed a concern that a warning means that it's ok to sexually harass members once, but not twice.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Without knowing your ruleset, I can see two ways of handling it.

Situation one, the rules did not call it out. If this is the case, it feels a little (like 5% if you can quantify feelings) bad to immediately ban someone for violating a non-exist rule. Particularly if it could have been an accident.

Situation two, the rules called it out. It could be worth talking with both people separately to determine intent. If it seems that the harassment was intentional, bannable offense. If it seems like he was not trying to harass her, strict talking to with a strike. Accidents do happen and a nuke option for an accident could lose a loss of other members out of fear.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 8 months ago (1 children)

I'd suggest, also as a male, that it's a red flag. He's a new member and his first instinct is to sexually harass a female member, and then double down when he doesn't get the response he's looking for.

In any workplace I've been in, he'd be sacked. Why should he be given more leniency in a social situation?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 8 months ago (1 children)

That's a fair point, but in the business world you're a cog. They don't care about you they care about what you add to the company. Basing anything off of business is hardly a reasonable thing to consider.

That being said, I did update my response in a separate thread, (og left for posterity) i broke it down based on if the rule was established or not and then based on independent discussion with both parties to try to determine intent. Accidents happen and the response should take that into account.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 8 months ago (1 children)

I get where you're coming from, and I can always relate to any scepticism around corporate policy. To clarify, specifically, my thoughts around the workplace, they're entirely dependent on my own experience in small to medium sized companies in Australia with strong culture and policies around this sort of thing.

I recognise that other regions would have differing levels of enforcement and while not every social situation is equitable to expectations at work, in my personal view it's pretty cut and dry- you shouldn't need a rule in a social club specifically banning uninvited sexual comments, it's just a given that you don't do that.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 8 months ago

I would disagree.

Having that rule written out allows for people to have a no mercy policy in rule enforcement. It's easy enough for us to say "no sexual harassment is common sense" but by having it, there are absolutely no uncertain terms regarding the club's stance and how they will rule on any incident.

People are dumb, while I would prefer to fix that to date the only working solution I've found is to make it clear what expectations are instead of relying on uncommon sense.