Sci-Fi RPGs

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A community for Sci-Fi themed tabletop RPGs.


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Banner: Elena G Blanco - Beelzenef, CC-BY-SA

Icon: Ross Duris - HAL9000, CC0

founded 2 months ago
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This is meant to be a non-exhaustive list, in stream-of-consciousness order.

Dedicated systems

  • Traveller (in its many incarnations throughout the past nearly 50 years and derivatives such as Cepheus, Hostile)
  • 2300 AD (now a setting for Traveller)
  • Cyberpunk (2013, 2020, V3.0, Red)
  • Paranoia
  • Eclipse Phase
  • Lancer
  • Star Wars roleplaying (different games by different publishers: WEG d6, d20, FFG NDS)
  • Warhammer 40K
  • 3:16: Carnage Amongst the Stars
  • Shadowrun
  • Apocalypse World
  • Coyote & Crow
  • SLA Industries

FATE based systems

  • Bulldogs!
  • Mindjammer
  • Nova Praxis
  • Diaspora
  • Atomic Robo

OSR/d20 based systems

  • Stars Without Number
  • Starfinder
  • Mothership

Year Zero

  • Mutant: Year Zero
  • Alien: The RPG
  • Blade Runner: The RPG
  • Coriolis – The Third Horizon


A host of modules and supplements named after the subgenre, GURPS-style. GURPS Transhuman Space, Cyberpunk, etc.

Other systems

  • Star Trek Adventures (Modiphius 2d20)
  • Dune: Adventures in the Imperium (Modiphius 2d20)
  • Rifts (Palladium)
  • Robotech (Palladium)
  • Scum and Villainy (FitD/PbtA)

Solo friendly

  • Stoneburner
  • Ironsworn: Starforged (PbtA)
  • Hostile (Cepheus/Traveller)

Out of print/No longer developed

  • Firefly RPG (Cortex Plus)
  • Serenity RPG (Cortex Classic)
  • Battlestar Galactica RPG (Cortex Classic)
  • Gamma World (D&D)
  • Space Opera
  • Other Suns
  • Albedo
  • Space Master
  • Blue Planet
  • Ringworld
  • Living Steel
  • High Colonies
  • Jovian Chronicles
  • Heavy Gear
  • Justifiers
  • Star Frontiers
  • Universe

Have a suggestion to improve this? Your favorite game missing? Leave a comment.


*Bright flashing lights, the sight of people dancing shoulder to shoulder, and the smell of off-world substances permeate this nightclub. In the city that never sleeps, this club is a haven for all sorts of people, from seedy street men to mid-level executives. * This map features multiple rooms including a VIP lounge, security room, the club manager’s office, and a smallerf bar area. The main room features a large circular bar with disco lights, surrounded by places to sit.

This map pack includes Nightclub & Adult Club variants, including versions without lights. All patrons get access to gridded/ungridded and high-resolution maps.

Check out the full map pack here.


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Orbital Trouble: d12 Space Outpost Hooks - Roleplaying Tips


Another test I wanted to make.

Not quite happy with the result, I find it a bit "meh". But I do intend to use it later in a collage of sorts.

This is a location we played a few years ago (the place where my "milk run" unfolded). though back then we used theatre of the mind. But as I was staring at a blank canvas for this test I wanted to make, I decided to give it a go.


If you're into papercraft, this might appeal to you.

This youtuber usually does a lot of fantasy stuff, but this time we got a Sci-Fi shuttle.


Just a small test I wanted to try out, but I thought I'd still share.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi all, I do not have much to add, besides I am running a MgT2 Traveller game right now and made my own sector, To track everything I have set up a legendkeeper to share information with my players. There is also a ton of GM stuff in there but it is hidden and invisble. I thought this might be fun or inspiration for others too. edit I have no idea why the Link says "Attention required Cloudflare", link works fine.


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Maps of The Valley of Mexico and Texcoco from the Codex Xolotl (1542) (more in post body)

Beowulf (tactical map) (
submitted 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The last entry from my backlog. And it's kind of a low-effort one, I'm afraid.

The ship itself is provided as a template in the Cosmographer3 addon to CC3+, and I'd already done a couple of macros that automatically change the colors for the Scout.

Still, hope you find it useful.


I’m pretty sure it’s slashed to $0 every now and then. If you don’t own it yet, you might as well add this museum piece to your collection.


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These are some high quality, fan-made rules for Cepheus Engine (and so based on the Mongoose Traveller SRD) covering various Star Trek shows up until 2017 (TOS, TAS, TNG, DS9, ENT).


Here I did the same than the post from a month ago: I used to generate a new star system, and then drew it with CC3+.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

In case you're not familiar, Death Station is an adventure for Traveller.

As many more have done so, I gave it a try myself, mostly because I wanted a large map to place on the table.

Little did I know that the free 2D Deck Plans for the Core Rulebook includes a science station I could have used. Oh well.

I also have a couple of PDF versions. One without labels/numbering: and with labels:


For fans of Traveller specifically.


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Streets of Mos Eisley (
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

In the post where we're listing all the Sci-Fi games we could come up with, there's a distinct lack of PBTA games. And I get it... there's probably too many to list.

But even if I have my Sci-Fi needs fulfilled (perhaps for the moment, and for the most part) there are a few games that I'd still like to play some day. This is one of them.

Why? Because it's straight and to the point. I tell myself that one of these days, when I think of a plot for a Star ~~Wars~~ Worlds one-shot adventure, I can grab this and get rolling in 5 minutes.

A lot of people dislike PBTA, but I actually find it valuable. I think PBTA is particularly good at short adventures and one-shots. For longer campaigns? Not so sure. One of my favourite (non-scifi) games, Kult ([email protected]), uses PBTA in its newest version. They did try to think ahead to advancement for longer campaigns, but would it be enough for a regular multi-year group? I don't know.

Just from this small post, there's so much I'd like to ask anyone reading: Do you have a PBTA game you love and/or play? Have you tried this one? Do you know another overlooked Star Wars game (such as Never Tell Me the Odds)? Do you love/hate PBTA? Have you used PBTA for long campaigns?

Anyway, Streets of Mos Eisley can be downloaded from here:

Scout (tactical) (
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This is the completion of what I had in mind for the "tactical map". I must say, I didn't come up with the concept, nor the color palette. I got that from an image I downloaded from somewhere... But I don't remember where. Maybe the Traveller Discord?

Anyway, the main image is very much tied to the M2E version of Traveller, but back when I made this image I hadn't fully commited to one ruleset (I'm both a heavy houseruler and heavy improviser).

So here's one for Cepheus Engine:

And here's one for Cepheus Deluxe:

The Range tracker doesn't make sense for CD rules, but it looks cool and I didn't know what else to put there. :)


User Monomyth posed an interesting question on the Traveller discord that I wanted to replicate here:

hi team, just a quick discussion based question with no right answer; if youre running a game, and the players decide to veer off course into something completely out of left field (such as going to a planet you do not have prepped), is it appropriate to come up with some "delaying issue" so you can have it ready for next session?

Transposing to other settings: what do you do when the players go off-script?

I can summarize some answers we’ve got on that server, but I don’t want to prime your answers from the start.


Just putting this out here to share some of the work I've been doing and to create some content for this community. Also because I'm not quite ready to share the full thing with larger groups.

I've mostly been creating a system for fun, and to exercise my art/design chops. I've got the base rule book done, but I was wanting to create a "pack in" adventure to go with it, which i have yet to start.

I'll include some screen shots as I go along and give some of the details around the setting and system. The title I'm currently running with is "Stellar Knights of Pendragon" and it is a sci-fi RPG based off of the myths of King Arthur.

Stylistically, I'm trying to make the book look like something from the 16-bit/SNES Era of video games, mostly because I'm pretty ok at pixel art (and not much else), but also because the concept sounds like something you'd see on the sega genesis or SNES

Cover Page:

Table of contents:

For a lot of the art, I tried to base it off of existing cover art/images from popular video games of the times, as you'll see (some are pretty obvious tracing/reinterpretation of famous images)

For the game system, I tried to go with a fairly simple resolution mechanic that lends itself to a lot of depth when it comes to including character powers and abilities. The basic mechanics are that everything is an "opposed" check, where characters roll 4d6 + bonuses against a target number/DC. Every 5 points you beat the DC by is one success. Opposition successes cancel out your successes on a 1-for-1 basis

So for example, combat is roll 4d6+stat+skill for your attack, vs a "target" number of the enemy's armor and the enemy gets to make an opposed defense check. If the enemy's armor is, say, 15, and your roll a total of 20, you have achieved 2 successes, but if the enemy rolls 1 success on their defense, it reduces you to 1 success, which represents the amount of damage you deal.

There's also something similar to advantage/disadvantage called banes and boons.

As stated above in the screen shot, the reason for a 4d6 resolution mechanic is partially because its novel, and in addition getting together 4d6 to play can happen virtually anywhere and doesn't require specialized dice to play.

The setting takes place in space (duh) in a nebula. You can see the write up below, but the basic idea is that the gasses and all in the nebula cause psionic powers to be extremely common in creatures living within the space gas. Psionics obviously take the place of any sort of magic in this setting, as i'm a big fan of psionics in general. I just think they're fun.

The king arthur stand in (Named Artur, which is barely a play on the name) is essentially an evil, paranoid, ruthless despot bent on dominating the galaxy, forming a large army akin to something like the empire in star wars.

"Knight's Armor" in this setting is also effectively something akin to power armor, and there's rules for spaceship combat, though do note that it largely follows the same resolution mechanics.

The game is class based, and each class has a list of skills you can be trained in and "knacks" you choose that give you character extra powers/abilities

monster stat block:

That's kind of a very quick write up around how the game works, there's obviously a ton more details to both mechanics and setting, since its about a 50 page PDF, which was approximately my goal for the length of the document. I didn't want it to get too long.

What do people think about this premise/idea? Anything you'd like to hear more about? Anything that sounds off-putting to you? I'm open to all feedback, positive or negative.

When it's done, I'll probably post about it, but also put it on my and on my drive thru RPG account. Note that i generally release everything i put out for free, so i'm not planning on charging anything for it.

Character sheet:


While learning Traveller I came across this video where he explains how to use a ruler to keep track of distances relative to other ships.

I liked the idea, but found a 20-inch ruler, just up to long range, a bit impractical. So I created this tracker.

I used black background and neon colors because I thought I would be playing with a VTT, but in the end I've only played in person. So I also have this PDF, in Ledger/Tabloid (11" x 17"). I don't think you'll find a printer that's able to print up to the very edge, so I'll let you decide if you'd rather scale it below 1" per square or just accept cropped stuff on the edges.


This was just a test I made while trying to get the hang of the Cosmorgapher3 addon for CC3+.

Basically I just took Seth Skorokowsky's map (linked in the comments of his Flatlined review) and tried to retrace it.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

A trope, a seed

Back in the 90s, my GM ran a "Thieve's guild" adventure for D&D. You know the drill: something's going on in town, the PCs track a trail and find a secret entrance to a dungeon, they realize there's a thieves' guild creating the trouble, they deal with it and get the treasure. Then I found a few fan-written "thieve's guild" but had no resemblance to my friend's, just the main concept. Years later, while trying to wrap my head aroung Mage, I asked a friend what would be the "thieve's guild" equivalent for Mage (he said it was "defend a node"). I now call these "seeds", or maybe tropes (but I wouldn't call them that for a long while).

The milk run

Fast-forward to just a few years ago... I had discovered Shadowrun and felt dry with ideas for getting started. I googled for a while and came up with a reddit post recommending a "Milk run". Basically, have the crew tasked with snatching something from someone (the post suggests swapping briefcases), most likely a courier, and then just let them see how they go about it.

Perhaps you have to let them figure out how to track the mark or maybe give them a nudge. They get to decide if they want to do it stealthily or forcefully. Maybe the police arrives. Maybe the courier is armed and trained. And of course, maybe the patron never intended to pay them after delivery anyway.

Do you have any go-to seeds you like to use for SciFi games?

Image by, based on milk in a bottle, Matt Bango, CC0 and Bol, Petit déjeuner, Muesli.


What are your favorites to play on? Anything valid, be it a published RPG setting, an adaptation you did of other media (book, game, movie), a mashup you or someone else create, etc.

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