Linux Mint

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Linux Mint is a free Linux-based operating system designed for use on desktop and laptop computers.

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where is a current or past release. Here's an example using release 21.1 'Vera':

founded 3 years ago

By secondary windows drive : I mean in windows 10 I have a C drive the main drive. and I have a D drive (the secondary drive for extra storage). I'm curious if I put data onto it or copied data from it would windows 10 have any sort of issues with that data or even the entire drive?


I can't seem to find an answer via google. In order to play Guild Wars 2 (this is a windows game so i had to use steam to get it to run in linux mint 22.1)

the game runs pretty good. the problem I can't use the ALT key .. and I need that key for certain things.

but the games acts as if I'm not pressing ALT.

I'm thinking the ALT key bound to something via steam or even to linux mint itself but I'm not sure where to even look at. sadly google wasn't helpful. Any tips on where to begin looking at? (warning : I'm new to linux so might need a few pointers).


Erasing and resetting okd macbook air 2015 model to test out linux mint for the first time. Only tried ubuntu like a decade ago on but it never stuck, as I was using macOS .

Holding thumbs it works. I know I can test it from a usb so will download and do that once the laptop is ready.

Not planning on using macOS at all so it should save space for linux. Very excited to revive an old friend and very excited to possibly become a first time linux user!

PS: I did ask around already on linux groups here on the fediverse, and was told mint should be fine, and would like to try something different from ubuntu.


Giddy, excited, curious and nervous all at the same time.

Let’s loosen that grip of adobe, microsoft and soon I hope apple too. :-)

Edit: Just hope I’m doing this right…


Sorry probably nothing for the pro’s on here but man, I am so excited to climb off of the macOS on this old MacBook Air 2015 and breathe new FOSS life into it.

My brother and father have been using Blender 3D for years and my sister got her first job as a designer using Inkscape!

So here’s to a “mint-y” fresh Linux MacBook Air! :-D


I ask this because I’m in the process of moving fully to Linux mint and have a steam account in Linux. I don’t think EA has a program that runs natively in Linux. I’m wondering if there isn’t a way to grab the windows install file for legendary edition of Mass Effect and install it onto my Linux system understeam.

Or maybe there’s a more efficient way that somebody knows of to do this.

submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

EDIT: This article is not by me, just a site whose feed I subscribe to.

Cheapskate's Guide to Computers - Here Linux Mint is Existing Again, so I am Back Using It Again

When new versions of Mint came out, I upgraded as one would expect, but when Mint 17.3 began behaving badly on all my computers back in 2015 or 2016, I stopped using it. Instead, I went back to Mint 17.1 and stayed there for as long as I could. Finally, in late 2019 or early 2020 when version 17.1 was no longer supported sufficiently for me to install new applications, I had to give up on Mint completely and move to Parrot OS.

Two months ago, I decided to test the most recent version of Mint. That was Mint 22.1, and I chose the MATE desktop environment, which uses the Metacity windows manager. To my shock, the problems have finally been fixed after nearly a decade! I don't know who the Mint team had to fire to make Mint work again, but whoever it was, thank god they did! So, since here Mint is existing again, I am back using it again.


I'm taking the dive and switching from windows this weekend. My wife and I like to play modded Minecraft and I was wondering if that's possible on mint? Does anyone know a way to make Minecraft run on Linux and if so, if it can run mods as well? Please share your knowledge on how to do it if it's possible.


I know I don't have to start this with I'm new, you can already tell lol but I just want to make sure I will not cause any problems having files on there I'm confused trying to answer this on my own, thanks for any help in advance! I deleted windows and ignorantly extended my boot partition to take up all of the space and now realize I should have separated the two just curious if it's safe to use it like this



Can i limit lower and max level of battery charge in Linux Mint (and LMDE) in way like such with already finished GUI?

Lower - 17% Max - 82%

Thanks and sorry if this question already had been here


Hello, I am now to Linux mint and I would like to ask you for your support. Do you have some experience how can I connect hik vision (or NVR) camera on Linux mint? thank you


Unexpected benefit of Linux Mint relative slowness following Ubuntu releases, as they like to keep a safe pace and make things working right before releasing new versions : it aligns with enterprise software surprisingly well.

Enterprise software are even slower to update, meaning the network shared printer drivers, corporate Zero trust client, email server connector, antivirus (as in paid, licenced av agent) does works perfectly.

Mint sits right in a sweet spot about both corporate bloatware and OSS.



Using Linux Mint 22.1 Xfce. cross-posted from:

New to Lemmy.

And new to workspaces. I'd get confused at first which workspace I was on.

Different backgrounds helped a bit, but I'm almost always in maximized windows.

I wanted to have different colours for windows, panel etc but couldn't.

So I adjusted panel opacity to 95% on Enter, 75% on Leave. That allows the background colour to bleed through.

A user on the Linux Mint forums suggested adjusting workspace margins to let the background show even when windows are maximized.

So now I have an 8-pixel strip of desktop showing just above the panel. Combined with the lowered panel opacity, I never have to wondr anymore what workspace I'm on.

  • Workspace [1/2/3] with windows minimized.
  • Workspace [1/2/3] with window maximized, panel at "Leave" opacity of 95%.
  • Workspace [1/2/3] with window maximized, panel at "Enter" opacity of 75%.

(I read somewhere that it's better to host images for Lemmy on Pixelfed. So I made my first post there with all the screenshots, and linked to it. Hope that works.)

PS: Anyone have any other ideas to help distinguish workspaces at a glance?

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi there.

Since I'm using Windows10 on decade-old hardware (can't upgrade to Windows11 even if I wanted to) I've decided to check out what Linux is all about. After a couple of flowcharts wanted to try out Mint. Bought a fresh USBstick, downloaded the ISO, flashed it with Balena Etcher, created a separate partition on a HDD in the case I decide to fully install it.

Trying to boot I get the options to select any bootable media, but choosing either UEFI or the other option to boot from the USB drive I get to a menu where I can select to boot to Live or in compatibility mode (among others), but whatever I choose I end up with rolling errormessages, main one being /init: line 38: can't open /dev/sr0: No medium found Googling around I've tried unplugging the USB and using it in another port, enabling/disabling stuff in the bios (but I have no idea where to start or what stuff actually does) but nothing really works.

After some time (10+ minutes) of rolling errors I get the prompt to boot from URL (or something), haven't tried that yet as I don't know if the network is even enabled...

So I have the next questions: Where do I begin with troubleshooting? Is there a way to interrupt the stream of errors it keeps spitting out for more than 10 minutes? Once the errors stop I seem to be in a full screen terminal with an unsuccessful boot, can I try to get it to boot from there?

Update: Ventoy seems to be more promising, it's got a nice menu and I can choose which bistro to load, but currently it's loading Mint quite a long time...

I suspect it's loading everything it can at once, but at least I can see the Mint logo for longer than 10 seconds in a splash screen.

But 15 minutes later it seems to be still loading...

Will update when I can

Update 2: YES! It got past the boot errors by unplugging the USB and plugging it back in. 

Life is calling, so it'll take a while before I can start figuring out why my mouse isn't working (or how I can install without a mouse), but at least I can confirm that Linux works on my PC.


I’m using two keyboard layouts, German (QWERTZ) and German (neo).

I’d like to be able to switch between these two using the Super+Space shortcut. However, that only works for switching from QWERTZ to neo. When the current layout is neo, Super+Space does nothing.

On the other hand, when I’m in neo, Shift+Space does switch the layout, but it’s not supposed to.

How can I fix these two issues?

These are my keyboard settings from the system settings UI:

  Kernel: 5.15.0-133-generic x86_64 bits: 64 compiler: gcc v: 11.4.0 Desktop: Cinnamon 6.0.4
    tk: GTK 3.24.33 wm: muffin vt: 7 dm: LightDM 1.30.0 Distro: Linux Mint 21.3 Virginia
    base: Ubuntu 22.04 jammy

Does anyone know how I can fix this? For some reason there is a Firefox URL bar floating over the search bar. Trying to learn my way around Matrix/Element, and this is kind of getting in the way.


I spend a lot of time on macOS for work, and the muscle memory for option keys drives me crazy, especially when copy/pasting in a terminal on my Linux installs. This fixes that problem nicely.

I haven't seen it shared much so hopefully useful for someone else.


As the title says, I just started with linux mint and am falling in love with bash scripts 😍 Actually I'm not sure if it's considered a script, but I want to delete the last 2 files in all subfolders in a folder. So far I've (after great effort) got the terminal to list the files, but I want to delete them. Here is how I get them listed:

for f in *; do ls $f | tail -n 2; done

All their names come satisfyingly up in the terminal. Now what? I tried adding | xargs rm but that didn't delete them. I also tried something with find command but that didn't work either. Some folders have 3 items, so I want to delete #2 and 3. Some folders have 15 items so I want to delete #14 and 15. Folders are arranged by name, so it's always the last 2 that I want to delete.

It's frustrating to be sooooo clooooose, but also very fun. Any help is appreciated!

EDIT: Thanks for the awesome help guys! The next part of this is to move all the .html files into one folder (named "done"), prepending their name with an integer. So far I got:

n=1; for f in *; do find ./"$f" -type f | sort | xargs mv done/"$n$f"; n=$((n+1)); done

but that is... not really doing anything. The closest I have gotten so far is some error like

mv: Missing destination file operand

Any help is again appreciated!


I have been trying to get mint to install correctly on my system for the last couple days. After much messing around, trying different drives (new flash drive, new nvme) and stuff, I finally ran memtest and I'm getting lots of errors on both sticks, tested individually. It's 2x16 ddr4 3600; I lowered it to 1600 and still get lots of errors, ordered a new pair.

Here's my question - I have win10 on a separate drive. It boots fine and doesn't seem to have an issue with the ram at all. Is Linux more sensitive to memory problems?


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