Given how western society is doing, Mandarin might not be a terrible call.
This is clearly fabricated, you're missing way too many swear words.
So, China/Russia good, Canada bad? Is that right, republicans?
They're fucking cunts. Very big on the "here's the notification email about your subscription resuming, but it's too late to cancel" thing. Never touching them again.
I hate it when an attacker who already has root access to my device gets sightly more access to the firmware. Definitely spin up a website and a logo, maybe a post in Bloomberg.
Absence of support of Israel isn't the same thing as antisemitism, no matter what they'd like you to believe. I have no particular views regarding Ecuador, that doesn't mean I'm racist against them.
Because, it turns out, that blue states and red states are part of the same country. I think it's a stupid way to do things, but that's what you guys have settled on.
Yeah, we don't want them (American states) either.
Yeah, Americans should be lobbying other countries hard right now to improve refugee treatment and quotas.
What would "support" look like in this case? How do you ensure that support isn't weaponised and used to promote genocide?
So antisemitic, how date they, etc...