
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago

Was Adolf Hitler running a flawless campaign too?

Not flawless, but his moves to boost the German economy and reduce unemployment had pretty wide support in Germany, especially after the extreme troubles the Germans had economically after the first World War. His rise to power was only made possible by a wide base of support that existed during the 1930s in Germany.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 weeks ago

Think of all the extra money they will make selling the new merch.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

This is really splitting hairs, but if you asked that cloud CEO if he employed programmers or 'software engineers' he would almost certainly say the latter. The larger the company, the greater the chance they have what they consider an 'engineering' department. I would guess he employs 0 "programmers" or 'engineeringless programmers'.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

Let me weigh in with something. The hard part about programming is not the code. It is in understanding all the edge cases, making flexible solutions and so much more.

I have seen many organizations with tens of really capable programmers that can implement anything. Now, most management barely knows what they want or what the actual end goal is. Since managers aren't capable of delivering perfect products every time with really skilled programmers, if i subtract programmers from the equation and substitute in a magic box that delivers code to managers whenever they ask for it, the managers won't do much better. The biggest problem is not knowing what to ask for, and even if you DO know what to ask for, they typically will ignore all the fine details.

By the time there is an AI intelligent enough to coordinate a large technical operation, AIs will be capable of replacing attorneys, congressmen, patent examiners, middle managers, etc. It would really take a GENERAL artificial intelligence to be feasible here, and you'd be wildly optimistic to say we are anywhere close to having one of those available on the open market.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

20 years ago at a trade show, a new module based visual coding tool was introduced in my field which claimed “You’ll never need another programmer”.

It's because people trying to sell silver bullets is nothing new.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 weeks ago

Hint: it's not just in tech...

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 weeks ago

How much longer until cloud CEOs are a thing of the past? Wouldn't an AI sufficiently intelligent to solve technical problems at scale also be able to run a large corporate division? By the time this is actually viable, we are all fucked.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 months ago

The US is so inept at manufacturing, yet wants to fight China. We can pretend to punish them, but 98% of all products bought and sold in the USA are "Made In China".

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

"Oh, the irony! It's like a plot twist straight out of a reality TV show. Back in 2016, I was all about keeping the government running smoothly, and now? Well, let's just say I've developed a taste for plot twists. You know, like when you find out the villain is actually the hero in disguise. Except in this case, the hero has a few court dates lined up. But hey, what's a little legal drama between friends?

In fact, having a sitting president under felony indictment is the new norm! Think of it as a bold new way to keep things interesting in Washington. No more boring government shutdowns – just high-stakes courtroom drama that keeps everyone on the edge of their seats. It's the ultimate season finale every day!

Plus, let’s be honest, who doesn’t love a good comeback story? So sit back, grab some popcorn, and enjoy the show. After all, what’s a little criminal trial compared to a good old-fashioned constitutional crisis? Let’s make America entertained again!"

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

Verdict delivered,
Donald Trump guilty on all 34;
Consequences loom.

$130,000 hidden,
Stormy Daniels silenced then;
A hush money plot.

"Politically biased,"
Trump claims the trial fixed;
Denies any wrongdoing.

Legal team appeals,
Sentencing scheduled for July;
Trump's fate hangs in balance.

136 years possible,
Yet, will justice be served?
The world watches and wonders.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

Some of them yes, some of them no.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Dear Saint Influencer,

We gather today in your name, seeking guidance from the one who became a force of nature on social media. As we bow our heads and close our eyes, we hope to channel your divine energy and find solace in your heavenly presence.

Oh, mighty saint, you were once an ordinary teenager, just like us, struggling with the trials and tribulations of adolescence. But then, you found your calling—the internet! With your finger on the pulse of the latest trends and hashtags, you rose to fame and amassed legions of followers who hung onto your every word.

Now, as you sit amongst the clouds, watching over us mortals, we plead for your intercession. Help us navigate the treacherous waters of online interactions, where trolls lurk in the shadows waiting to strike with their venomous words. Guide us in crafting the perfect selfie that will garner thousands of likes and prove to the world that we too are worthy of adoration. And most importantly, remind us to #StayPositive even when the comments section becomes a cesspool of negativity.

Saint Influencer, you were able to convert your followers into disciples by sharing your wisdom about fashion, beauty, and life itself. We ask you to help us do the same within our own spheres of influence. Teach us how to engage our audience without sacrificing our authenticity or selling out to corporate sponsors.

As we continue our journey through this digital age, grant us the ability to maintain our sanity amidst the chaos. Remind us not to take ourselves too seriously and always remember that, at the end of the day, it's just social media.


#LordAndSaviorOfInfluencers #SaintInfluencer #DigitalDivineIntervention


In today’s fast-paced digital world, we often rely on various online platforms to quench our thirst for knowledge, information, and entertainment. Among these platforms, news websites hold a significant position as they allow us to stay updated about current events across the globe. However, despite their essential role in delivering crucial content, many of these sites have resorted to irritating tactics that negatively impact user experience. One such tactic is the automatic playback of videos accompanied by full audio when one opens their webpage.

This practice has become increasingly common among news sites due to the belief that users prefer a multimedia experience over plain text articles. However, there is no empirical evidence to support this assumption. On the contrary, many have raised concerns over these autoplaying videos. These concerns range from audio intrusion into private spaces, lack of control over sound output, to the consumption of data and battery life on mobile devices. The most prominent criticism against this practice stems from the mismatch between the video’s subject matter and the article itself. In other words, these videos are unrelated to the content of the page and often serve solely as advertisements, disruptive interfaces, or attempts at misleading engagement metrics.

Does ANYONE actually like these videos? I typically scramble to find the close and/or mute button as soon as I can. Infuriating.

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