
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 weeks ago

Balsa is hardwood Yew is softwood

Yew is 16x stronger

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago

300mcg melatonin is the recommended dosage to be effective and not have extra side effects. Higher dosages aren't any more effective. I can't take it very long or i start to feel some melancholy.

Sleepy time tea helps, listening to not that entertaining of audiobooks, meditation, reading wikipedia. Some people don't react to benadryl in the intended way.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 months ago

If your balcony could support the load you could grow quite densely with hydroponic towers, but you won't ever recoup the costs. That method is also very little work beyond the initial compared to soil.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 months ago

The article doesn't say that. It says that most arent spending above 43% on housing. It doesn't dig into that, likely on purpose.

https://archive (dot) is/2024.05.08-164727/

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

You have found the Wayne's World dungeon.

Welcome to Wayne's World: The Game You find yourself in Aurora, Illinois, the hometown of Wayne and Garth. You're on a mission to help them prepare for their biggest public access TV show yet. Scene 1: The Basement You're in Wayne's basement, surrounded by music gear, posters, and a comfy couch. Wayne and Garth are brainstorming ideas for their show, but they're stuck. They need your help to come up with a killer opening segment. Do you: A) Suggest a musical number with Wayne and Garth performing a duet of "Bohemian Rhapsody" B) Recommend a comedy sketch parodying a popular movie or TV show C) Propose a special guest appearance by a local celebrity D) Suggest a "Top 10 List" segment, à la David Letterman Choose your response:


You have found the Encino Man Dungeon.

Encino Man: The Adventure Begins You are Brendan Fraser's character, Link, a caveman who has been thawed out and is trying to navigate modern life in Encino, California. Your goal is to make it through each scene without getting into too much trouble. Scene 1: The Thaw You wake up in a block of ice in a backyard. You're confused, hungry, and thirsty. You see a garden hose nearby. Do you: A) Drink from the hose B) Try to break out of the ice C) Look around for food D) Take a nap Choose your response:

LLM to generate ideas, history to check uniqueness

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

Rigid filter works great. I only use paper filters if I am bored and want to use the aeropress.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 8 months ago

Fascism is more about control and there's a lot of pivoting to maintain the appearance of authority. So there is a lot of hypocrisy on topics that are often claimed that they are just totally against. Fascist leaders work with highly regarded artists that will have them or that are forced to work with them. Fascists want to look cool and well put together, so art is crucial to them. Meanwhile they will say art is not a real career and will hate art that doesn't support the latest narrative.

There's not a strict black and white on the fringes of their ideologies, it's more what they can use to increase power.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Emulate a block device and reference it to the cloud api, unless im missing something.