I had this on a shirt in high school. Had all my friends sign it like a yearbook. I wish it had survived but I wore it out in a few years.
joined 9 months ago
It would be an improvement on the record 2020 young voter turnout if 60% voted.
Diaper riles up the rubes.
Don't say that out loud or you'll summon her.
I have the same quote in my clipboard. Anyone turning to Twitter for answers deserves the answers they find.
Hucklebeast Slanders
With a headline like that I expect some reactions from Republicans in the article. You can't just say they are ignited but give me no descriptions or, even better, pictures.
20' is the average. Highest point is like 300'.
Found the ghost of Arthur C. Clarke.
No he didn't. We don't need punctuation for sarcasm. If it doesn't work then the author sucks.
If Diaper wins I'm done. Just move to the boonies and just go full media blackout until 2028 or when the zombies show up
Rick Scott, Douchbag.