touch grass
joined 2 years ago
Yeah sure, the Empire blew up Alderaan, but the real question is do you condemn the KHKHKHKHKHREBEL ALLIANCE!?
It's because "Tiananmen Square" has become a ritual stripped of all its meaning and has just become a way to say lol china bad
Another one for the bear:
Makes internet incels shit their pants
afton robotics but aperture
Here's a snippet of their Discord msgs
Juche Space Lasers(TM) made me flee from the DPRK -Pak Yeon Mi, probably
"Charge the Nazis with genocide, but also charge the Polish Ghetto Uprising with genocide"
IBM 3270
JereSuomi, the resident Jucheist on Socialist Roaders. He believes VN became capitalist under Le Duan, but believes that the Khmer Rouge were AES
Yuan Guaidou