
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 40 minutes ago

The Beatles springs to mind for me.

Elea👂👂nor Rigby.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

Don’t count on people who never breathe through their nose to look deeper than what some personality on YouTube said. They don’t care about definitions, they just hear words and repeat them without looking any further. Like happy little dumb parrots. Some jackass said, “we ain’t no democracy, wurr a cawn-stuh-toosh-uhnool republic!” and they said, “huht huht! That’s right!” without bothering to learn what a constitutional republic is.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 18 hours ago

But nuthin hayuh-pinned! It wuz aint teefuh! Reeuhnt freeee..

[–] [email protected] 10 points 22 hours ago

It’s crazy how money puts people in permanent positions too, even after they’ve lost it all.

I have a friend for example, his family ran one of the biggest farms in the area. They had millions. With those millions they made very important connections.

They’ve been broke for a decade now.

See, some years back my old buddy was thrown off of a horse and has permanent brain damage. Something changed in him after that. What he’s doing isn’t something anyone can defend, but he should have been stuck in a hospital and treated. Before his mother died, she kept him on his medication and he was ok. After her death no one is there to enforce it, so he doesn’t take it.

He’s been charged with stalking three women in less than two years. He gets it in his head that they love him and they’re testing him. The judge is in on it, the police. Anything anyone says he interprets as being part of this big test. “I was there at the local arts center and the cops came and said, “We know you care for her but you can’t be here.” See, they know I care for her. It’s all a big test buddy, I’m telling you.”

It took multiple charges before they finally put him in jail. 2 with the first woman, 3 with the second, 2 with the third. Finally they couldn’t do him favors anymore. Or, favors for his dad that is. His dad played golf with the judge for years, the family lawyer is a lifelong friend who has finally had enough and was working his cases for free. I think he finally gave up after the last batch of charges.

I mean, maybe it’s because they know him and feel sorry for him having seen him grow up and the trauma his family experienced when he nearly died after the accident. Still though, money afforded him that position and even broke they still have it in a sense.

Anyone else would have been buried under the jail for what he’s done. I mean, I feel bad for him, but a line has to be drawn somewhere and the entire local small town system has pretty much let him run wild with these delusions because they know his family so well.

It’s a mess.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 days ago

One we can make it work either way. :p

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 days ago (2 children)

I personally wear a ninja turtle mask everywhere I go, but I’m down to share it.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 days ago (4 children)

We share our diseases in this community. Only the strong survive!

[–] [email protected] 26 points 2 days ago (5 children)

A lot of very smart people?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 days ago

Red Bull is also twice as expensive. You get used to the jitters eventually. :p

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 days ago (1 children)

In my town at least, we’ve got it right, that is if we could get more funding and help everyone.

The system that I went through has tiers, and it’s mostly drug addicts, but man I’ve seen it turn people around completely.

If a person ends up arrested because they’re tweaking, paperwork is immediately filed to get them into a specialized local hospital. It’s very small, but the people involved really do work hard to get things moving.

Once the person is in the hospital, they keep them until withdrawal ends or psychosis subsides. Then they enroll them in a very strenuous program that pretty much takes up their entire life for a bit. They try to get the person on Medicaid, but if they don’t qualify the hospital actually has a fund to pay for their treatment. They are provided with a ride to drug classes and group therapy multiple times a week and drug tested daily. If they fail a drug test they take them back to the hospital, unless they’ve been charged criminally, then it’s back to jail first, but ultimately they’ll end up back in the hospital.

Assigned case managers will visit them at their home at random daily. If the person doesn’t have a home, we have several “sobriety houses” in the area where folks are sent until they can get on their own feet.

Their case worker files applications for low income apartments and other programs like HUD. The person will ultimately end up in a home if they work the program.

In my time with the program I seen way more success than failure. The only failures I seen were those people who just made criminality their entire life. I’m talking drug dealing, robbing, constantly fighting. There are some people you just can’t help. I might be wrong there, but I seen a personality type that didn’t seem like it could be helped anyway. It was those folks who found their source of pride in a criminal lifestyle.

I probably do have some bias on the success of the program because they stick you with people who have progress similar to yours. If you’re a success in the program, you’re generally going to have appointments scheduled alongside people who are doing at least roughly as good as you are.

When I left the main program in 2020, I always had my appointments with the same people. We were the “no failed drug tests in years” group. Several of those people were homeless but they aren’t now.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago

I was so proud of myself for your comment that I was about to make. :p

It is a good one.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 5 days ago (1 children)

You know, until this meme and your comment I swear to gyatt I thought the word was pronounced like Wyatt. Why would I think that?

I’m getting old. One can’t pwn forever, I suppose.


So, my child (nearly 3 years old) is music crazy. As odd as this may be (maybe not), her four favorite things in this world are The Beatles, Nirvana, The Rolling Stones, and Michael Jackson.

It occurred to me that she doesn’t have any experience with religious iconography, but she loves the Heart Shaped Box video.

So I thought, for fun, let’s show her a picture of a cross and ask her what it is.

“NIRVANA! It’s Nirvana!” (Forvana actually).

I’ve been laughing my ass off.

I have raised multiple children from two generations now and none of them have had the burden of religion. Thank…god? :p


Everyone has been stopping to admire this. I figured I’d share it with you guys.


Look back through my posts to see her sleeping like this since she was a fresh baby.


Thank abowt it!


I have found myself using my Steam Deck for everything. I sit at that old desk and play Counter-Strike when I’ve got time. I use it for paperwork as well.

Truly an amazing machine.

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