Your view of taxes is strange. Is it "punishment" when businesses pay taxes? What about private citizens? I think it's just the government getting it's due to serve the population. Institutions whose sole purpose to serve the population, and also want to find ways to make sure they are served better, shouldn't be taxed. Institutions that try to push their version of the afterlife, while just happening to randomly serve society, should be taxed.
I made it abundantly clear that I feel religious institutions should be taxed. You are the one trying to say that it makes me bigoted somehow. You are also assuming I agree with an anarchist group, when I have said no such thing. I just think they should be able to spread their views as they help people, because they aren't a religion. I think anarchism in practice is usually a stupid concept. Don't worry though, I'm not going to use your assumptions about me to presume bigotry.
If a religious group has a charity branch that doesn't proselytize or encourage people to attend services, that specific branch shouldn't be taxed.
If there is a group that feeds hungry people or builds homes, while also pushing for people to vote and participate in our electoral processes, then I don't think they should be taxed. It doesn't make me bigoted to say that trying to convince someone of something practical they can use in their life or to change their society is different than preying on people with your unverifiable beliefs. There are thousands of religions. A lot of them do a ton of charity work, but that isn't their main goal. Just as we tax businesses and allow them tax breaks for charitable work, we should do the same for religions.
I don't need to accept anything besides you trying to equate two inequal concepts. A system of government/political philosophy doesn't equal a religion. I was very open in my initial comments on taxing religions. You're the one trying to manipulate things into a gotcha to say things I'm not.
...the entire premise of my argument is that religious institutions should be taxed. Why the fuck would I care about non-religious charities being taxed? You're literally crying the sky is blue.
I think Mosques and Temples and all religious institutions should pay taxes, I'm not bigoted. I'm an equal opportunity tax enthusiast.
Hell, some aheist "religious" organizations voluntarily pay taxes, despite all the charity work they do. And the churches have dunces online begging them to be left alone.
If you can't see the difference between "Hey, we know the world is shit, and we are sorry for the situation you are in, but here's what we're trying to do about and here's our philosophy on how to keep people from ending up in your situation" and "Hey, we know you're in s really shitty situation, but it could be a lot worse if you die and haven't converted to our religion," then I don't really see s point in continuing this conversation. That moral failing is beyond my ability to reason.
Can you point to the parts of anarchism that say you will be tortured by a loving god for all eternity if you don't convert?
Anarchist groups and leftist charities don't make promises on the afterlife to people in need, do you not see how that is a problem?
Yes. I'm not sure why you seem confused. The premise is churches should pay taxes. I'm not sure what you don't understand about that. They should pay taxes. They are influencing people's opinions on our politics and policies. They should pay taxes. They are influencing people in their weakest moments. They should pay taxes. Do you understand that I believe any religious institution should pay taxes? I hope you aren't confused still.
If they operated full time as a food bank and didn't proselytize to the people they are helping, then they shouldn't pay taxes. If they preach and try to convert people to their religion during their service, then I'm going to bet they try to do that to the people they feed. Preying upon people in their weakest moments is not a good thing to do, but it's all I've ever seen Christians do
Edit: "Marianists emphasized the power of small communities to “renew Christianity” following the French Revolution." If this is their emphasis, then they should definitely be paying taxes.
"Flarking" is a Marvel space curse-word. I think in media I hear Rocket and Captain Marvel say it the most.
If you're going to be telling the hungry people you are feeding that they are going to hell if they don't convert to your religion (or the equivalent) then you should be taxed. If you don't do that, then you have nothing to worry about! I already said I believe branches of religious institutions that don't proselytize or encourage seeing sermons shouldn't be taxed, so I'm not sure what you want me to say. I'm sorry I fit your definition of a bigot, but I don't think enough people agree with you for it to ever matter. Have a nice life.