This shit just writes itself…
What are people’s thoughts on MetaGER? I started using it when I switched over to librewolf web browser and I really like the base free option, it looks like they have a monetization model but I haven’t looked into it much.
I tried SearchXNG a couple of times but it never stuck. Ashamed to say but google is still used as a backup a lot of time.
This should be front and center, caching won’t be able to make up for that…
That’s awesome. And to the OP comment, great idea!
Now that you mention it..
I’m surprised I’ve only seen one mention of the good ol’, I used to spend hours alone and with friends just hopping from one random thing to another. Found some pretty cool stuff too.
Thank you! I quickly (and carelessly) searched and pasted the link. Thank you for the correction.
Check out “ReVanced” YouTube.
It takes set up and maintenance but it is well worth the effort as you get all YouTube premium features, latest YouTube app updates, and other enhancements.
Direct link to GitHub-
Removed the incorrect “.net” Link as mentioned below.
What a freaking CHAD. 😩
I’m using MetaGER right now and I’m liking it. It’s free to use but they have pricing for more robust features.
Check it out!