That's how you definitely get invaded. Cover Canada in spikes before you do something like that.
Who had 'murdered in their sleep by Henry the Hoover' on their bingo card?
Trump being an idiot? Must be a day that starts with a T.
There's Tuesday and Thursday. Thriday, Thaturday and Thunday. And of course Tonday and Tednesday.
Unfortunately, the tissues have a 1000% tarrif. Perhaps sandpaper will do?
If everyone can 'train' themselves on copyrighted works, then I say "fair game.''
Otherwise, get fucked.
One of the complaints from the 'Make america Healthy Again' crowd is that the FDA needs to be doing what Canada and the EU are doing in terms of food safety and consumer protection.
Trump's regime sure is a contradictory blob of nuts and weirdos.
My theory is that we're in an 'emperor has no clothes' situation, where a cult of sycophants has nourished itself on a leader with a genuine case of cognitive decline, and who are too afraid, because of the sunk cost or a fear of banishment or retribution, to point out this flaw or contradict their madman.
You see them parrot his insane talking point with such glee because the madness and fervour are contagions. Within the cult, the insanity is self perpetuating, and the longer you're in, the crazier you become. 15 or 20 years ago, these same people probably had fairly typical views and opinions and, if confronted by their past self, would now only see a stranger or a traitor. Their past self might look at what they've become and wonder, "What did I do to deserve that?!"
What I'm saying is I think Trump might be Cthulu.
We saw the same fervour in the UK with the Brexit vote. Family members and people I personally know, who were vociferously in favour at the time, claim now to have always believed it a bad idea.
There's the idiom that goes something like "those who stand for nothing will believe in anything." It always amazes me when people fall for obvious nonsense. Especially otherwise intelligent and thoughtful people.
I've always thought it was shitty lettuce.
It feels like we get so many recalls of US produce in Ontario due to salmonella. Typically, it's the salad greens like lettuce and whatnot, but it seems very frequent.
Huh. TIL. Never heard of it before.
Hopefully, Canadian leaders are wise enough to take the threats to Canada's sovereignty extremely seriously. It should be their number one priority. Just because the Dollar Menu aficionado in the White House says something that seems baffling on its surface doesn't mean we shouldn't be planning for the worst.