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[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

From Anti-Israel and Anti-Zionist Campaigns - ADL

While criticism of Israeli policies and actions is part of that discourse, certain forms of anti-Israel rhetoric and activism delegitimize Israel and its existence, and are antisemitic when they vilify and negate Zionism – the movement for Jewish self-determination and statehood – or utilize anti-Jewish tropes or hold all Jews responsible for Israel’s actions.

  1. They try to portray zionism this way in order to legitimize settler colonialism, and equate anti-zionism with antisemitism. Historically this chance was lost well over a century ago. See quote above from Jewish Voice for Peace and their site for details.
  2. Check out the Ben Gurion and the critic he got from Bundists. If you like videos, this one is pretty informative:
    The History of "Socialist" Zionism | Leftist Zionists did the Nakba & founded Israel
  3. If you like text you could take a look at:
    The Neglected History of the State of Israel - The Revisionist faction of Zionism that ended up triumphing adhered to literal fascist doctrines and traditions.
[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 months ago

Intersectionality is a great analytical tool. Jewish Voice for Peace found themselves to be in the intersection of being both Jewish and anti-zionists. German government policies and often German people (even from the left or antifa), fail take this intersection into consideration.

But do we really need this analytical tool for this topic? When a person knows the historical relation between zionism and fascism, why would they support zionists or zionist policies?

[–] [email protected] -2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Every law has its exceptions.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 months ago

I thought it would be important to include the following link:

Jewish Voice for Peace - Our Approach to Zionism

While it had many strains historically, the Zionism that took hold and stands today is a settler-colonial movement, establishing an apartheid state where Jews have more rights than others. Our own history teaches us how dangerous this can be.

Palestinian dispossession and occupation are by design. Zionism has meant profound trauma for generations, systematically separating Palestinians from their homes, land, and each other. Zionism, in practice, has resulted in massacres of Palestinian people, ancient villages and olive groves destroyed, families who live just a mile away from each other separated by checkpoints and walls, and children holding onto the keys of the homes from which their grandparents were forcibly exiled.


Germany finds itself in a situation where it is being asked to side with some Jews against others.

The headline was thought up by the activist organization Jewish Voice for Peace which says its account with a Berlin bank has been frozen — and not for the first time. The group claims that the German police “have been politically persecuting us as a Jewish organization for some time,” and that it “will not be intimidated by this… arbitrary, politically motivated freezing of our account, which is unacceptable in a democracy.”

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

If you feel like you can take a look at Jewish Voice for Peace they are the once targeted as antisemitic due to the fact they are anti-zionist. It's not complicated, it is portrayed this way.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (3 children)

Anyone that knows anything about ADL knows they are not reliable whatsoever

Of course. Still, even if someone knows nothing about ADL, by making a simple search with the keywords "ADL zionism" they will have the relevant page that confirms they are zionists. I won't add this link, but I will add the link of:

Jewish Voice for Peace - Our approach to zionism

While it had many strains historically, the Zionism that took hold and stands today is a settler-colonial movement, establishing an apartheid state where Jews have more rights than others. Our own history teaches us how dangerous this can be.

Palestinian dispossession and occupation are by design. (...)


Israeli forces shot dead a 13-year-old Palestinian boy during a raid in the occupied West Bank

A report was later received regarding a Palestinian minor who was killed, the military said.
"The circumstances of the incident are under review," it said in a statement to Reuters.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (2 children)

It’s right there in the headline

Oh the title. I read the article after a sneak-pick at the comment section and yours made me wonder to the point I did the ctr+f thingy.

Well, the title has a quite different quote and that’s what makes all the difference due to the historic reference. I think if you don’t like the title, you should hate the article because of what it is describing in relation to what is happening in Germany to Jewish people, and not about how this ~~article~~ title is written.

Do you deny that Jewish people suffer again on German ground, due to German policies using the argument of defending zionism?
Do you deny that zionism is historically related to fascism?

[edit: oops I thought I was replying to @Tarte and not @rimjob_rainer. Well the questions are for both of you or anyone who cares to answer them. Just to note that suffering is a spectrum. I am not claiming that Genocide is happening again in Germany, but people being targeted to the point of having their bank accounts frozen is a punitive measure to make people suffer]

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Take a look at Times of Israel in MBFC

Amongst other things it says:

Bias Rating: LEFT-CENTER
Factual Reporting: HIGH
Country: Israel
MBFC’s Country Freedom Rank: MODERATE FREEDOM
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic

When covering the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, they usually are objective and cover both sides fairly, such as this: IDF strikes fresh Hamas targets after 2nd rocket fired from Gaza Strip. However, during the conflict of 2023, they were less objective, focusing on the objectives of the Israeli military. In general, the Times of Israel is factual with a slight left-leaning editorial bias.

This is not a joke, just check it out.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (4 children)

"seizing money" = temporarily frozen bank account until a legal dispute is settled

I didn't find this term in the text (ctrl+f). Why do you have it in quotes?

Apart from that nowadays if a bank freezes a person's account, it's really hard to live/survive in many places in this world and Germany is one of them. Unless you use crypto, and not everybody does.

"Germany" = a German bank

Banks often freeze accounts in order to follow governmental policies, often of protesters. Meaning, one way or another this move is backed by the government.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago

Why Israel has so many Palestinian prisoners - Inside Israel’s dual criminal justice system (Video 11:49)

(...) Each one of these Palestinian prisoners has been processed by Israel’s military court system, which exists completely separate from the civilian court system that Jewish Israelis interact with. This system and the military orders that govern it have their origins in the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories in 1967.

In this video, two experts explain Israel’s military court system, why it’s been a focus of outcry from human rights organizations, and why hostage negotiations have historically involved the exchange of Palestinian prisoners.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

MBFC link for Times of Israel

Bias Rating: LEFT-CENTER
Factual Reporting: HIGH
Country: Israel
MBFC’s Country Freedom Rank: MODERATE FREEDOM
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic


An Israeli attack on an emergency response center in Lebanon killed seven people. Another set of strikes on Syria killed several soldiers and an Iranian military adviser

Despite the UN Security Council adopting a resolution on a ceasefire in Gaza, peace remains elusive with Israel’s continued attacks on Palestinians and other countries in the region.

In the past 24 hours, Israeli forces carried out several airstrikes in Lebanon and Syria, killing over a dozen people. Early on Wednesday, March 27, its forces bombed an emergency response center at al-Habbariyeh in southern Lebanon’s Nabatieh region killing at least seven people.

The attack followed another Israeli air strike in northern Lebanon’s Bekaa region where at least four other Lebanese were killed. The strike on Bekaa was the second attack on northern Lebanon since October 8 when Israel began bombing the country

There were 12 people inside the response center at al-Habbariyeh at the time of the attack. All of them were paramedics and volunteers involved in rescue and relief work, Al Jazeera reported.



Archive link

Why are Israeli soldiers uploading photos of themselves inside Gazan homes or with Palestinian detainees to their dating profiles? Beyond the 'uniform effect' which turned U.S. firefighters into heroes after September 11, some experts say the violent militarism seen on dating apps is leading to disturbing trends in Israeli society – online and off


Gantz's upcoming visit to the US has reportedly triggered tensions between him and Netanyahu, as trips must be approved first by the Prime Minister.

Netanyahu has made clear to Gantz that Israel "only has one prime minister," the outlet reported.

The war cabinet minister is set to travel to the UK capital London following his trip to Washington.

Gantz’s visit comes as the US has continued efforts to help mediate a ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas in time for the holy Muslim month of Ramadan, which due to begin around March 10.

Additionally, Gantz’s visit comes as Biden – a long-term ally of Israel – warned Tel Aviv will risk "losing additional international support" if it maintains its "incredibly conservative government", in reference to Netanyahu’s cabinet which has been described as the most extreme in Israel’s 70-year history.

The current cabinet also consists of a number of ministers who have made incendiary comments expressing racism towards Palestinians and calling for violence against civilians in Gaza. Among them are National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and Social Equality Minister May Golan.


Three million died in the 1943 Bengal famine - one man is collecting the remaining survivors' tales.


Far-right pro-Russian party Vazrazhdane has joined the far-right Identity and Democracy group in the European Parliament, deputies from the Eurosceptic Bulgarian party announced on Wednesday after visiting Moscow at the invitation of Vladimir Putin’s United Russia party.

In Bulgaria, Vazrazhdane is the third-largest political force in the national parliament, which gives them the potential to have up to four out of a total of 17 Bulgarian MEPs in the European Parliament – which would undoubtedly help ID, currently the sixth largest group in the EU Parliament with 59 members.

According to the latest EU elections projections, the ID group is estimated to rank third, winning 92 seats in the new EU House.


Satellite imagery and video footage have emerged suggesting that Egypt is building what appears to be a large, concrete-walled enclosure which observers believe will be used to manage a major influx of Palestinian refugees flooding out of Gaza via the Rafah crossng on its eastern border.

Yet, with the Palestinian death toll now approaching 30,000 – approximately 70% of whom are reported to be women and children – and Israel planning on invading Rafah, where upwards of a million Palestinians are huddled, the prospect of refugees spilling into the Sinai looks more and more likely.

Sisi has roundly condemned Israel’s military assault on Gaza, and is fully aware of the humanitarian catastrophe unfolding just across the border. But (...)

For a start, Egypt is in no position to absorb large numbers of Palestinian refugees.
Compounding this is Egypt’s broken economic model.


Brazil criticized the "paralysis" of the UN Security Council on the wars in Gaza and Ukraine as it opened a G20 meeting Wednesday where the international community's deep divisions were on display.

The outlook is bleak for progress on the thorny agenda of conflicts and crises gripping the planet as foreign ministers from the world's biggest economies gather in Rio de Janeiro for the Group of 20's first high-level meeting of the year.

Opening the two-day meeting, which featured US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Brazil's top diplomat, Mauro Vieira, said the explosion of global conflicts shows international institutions like the United Nations are not working.

"Multilateral institutions are not properly equipped to deal with the current challenges, as has been demonstrated by the Security Council's unacceptable paralysis on the ongoing conflicts" in Gaza and Ukraine, Vieira said, adding the situation was costing "innocent lives."
Founded in 1999, the G20 brings together most of the world's biggest economies.

Originally an economic forum, it has grown increasingly involved in international politics.

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