Racist and sexism, two of the values of the EU.
Server admins could add in the policy that any AI scrapping requires the previous permission of the copyright holders of the contents (i.e., the users) when the scrap is done for exploitation of the data for greed. Also, the robots.txt could be used to forbid AI HTML scrap.
I don't think that restrictions should be added at a protocol level, but, may be, some declarative tags should be fine:
"rich": "eat",
"about-meta": "fck-genocidal-and-youth-suicidal-promoter-zuckenberg",
"ai": "not-for-greed"
I agree, also it misses the colonial expansion of the original USA (13 small States in the East Coast), the USA should be red
A hundred workers should go to visit the CEO home...
Same, since debian potato, and forced to use windows in my work.
Why is credible the Armed Forces of Ukraine? Their main interest is win a war, not to provide reliable information to the public.
Whats Does America Stand For? The World No Longer Knows.
No, we know: USA Imperialism and genocide.
[...] So if you’re a Hungarian fan of liberal democracy, all hope is not yet lost. Pressman [USA ambassador] was addressing the Budapest Forum, a conference on liberal democracy [...]
Are the USA starting to create the narrative for a color revolution in Hungary?
I agree. I want to add this (old)reddit thread in r/AskHistorians about 'Was it the truth behind the critical controversy surrounding Che Guevara? Was Che a murderer, a homophobe, and racist who needs to be viewed much more critically?', it's a better and less biased source than the reactionary Cato Institute article.
Every time I read these words of Desmond Tutu, I remember that while he was being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, Nelson Mandela was rotting in a South African prison.
Reggae song: Desmond Tutu, Kortatu (1984). English introduction, spanish lyrics, Eukalherria group.