Old school marvel rpg. Has a d100 chart on the back. Successes were white green yellow or red. Had an ultimate powers book and you didn’t gain experience you gained karma which could be used for adjusting dice rolls or character improvements. Great game.
Love it. So much to look into. Appreciate your time.
I’m just getting started on my third attempt at changing careers from sys-admining over to coding (starting with the Odin project this time). I’m not sure the questions you ask, while interesting, will be covered. Can you point to some resources or subject matter to research to get exposure to these questions? The non coding, coding questions are interesting to me and I’m curious if my experience will help or if it’s something I need to account for while learning.
The problem is it’s not a choice between good and better, it’s a choice between bad and worse. We’re hitting the point where the lesser of two evils choices are hitting critical mass.
The bigger obstacle the left and right have to finding common ground is the hypocrisy of body autonomy. Vaccines, women’s rights, trans rights, drugs, health choices and more derived of things like this all boil down to an individual decision to do what they want with their own body and no one has any consistent logic. This is just one source of disagreement.
We’re way past the point of needing ranked choice voting to allow people to truly support the ideas the most identify with without being lumped in with other groups simply to avoid loss of voting power in a first past the post environment.
I never knew I wanted to save the world as Carl from athf
Couldn’t help but think of paranoia the rpg when I saw the trailer