Silver lining is that's a great opportunity for development. Even more so, we've seen how things play out when such platforms are left unchecked, so we can try to avoid the downfalls of big tech.
As opposed to Linux, which poses a penguin risk.
Puns aside, I completely agree with you, but that one might be either the best or the worst thing to happen to OSS. Best case scenario the govt. ensures critical technology is funded and maintained, is invested in and essentially brings a sustainable model for maintainers. Worst case, open source is regulated out of existence as we know it. There was a piece of EU legislation that thankfully didn't pass, which would've resulted in just that. Here's a reference, sorry I don't have the time right now for a better one.
Save the puppies act! If we don't know what exactly you say while pounding your wife, how could we possibly hope to save your dear pup, which I promise you did not consent to a threesome?!
And eeevery body loves puppies, no one will object to that. In case you do, you'd be suspected in zoophilia by the way, so don't do it!
That's how subscription services get you. Why buy DVDs when you can stream all day long on Netflix? Suddenly, DVDs are no longer for sale and streaming services take down content for one reason or another. Then you have no other legal alternative but to pay whatever they ask, be shown whatever they want and continue to own none of it.
What you on about, brother? Isn't this a place on the internet, here thanks to god's favourite country ? Clearly everyone can relate to the quintessential USA-ian experience!
And what's that about Eurocentrism, look at a map, Europe is dead center! Asia is to the east and Americas to the west... Relative to Europe!
Oh and here's a massive /S, just in case...