sam altman is greentexting in 2025
Ugh. Now I wonder, does he have an actual background as an insufferable imageboard edgelord or is he just trying to appear as one because he thinks that's cool?
sam altman is greentexting in 2025
Ugh. Now I wonder, does he have an actual background as an insufferable imageboard edgelord or is he just trying to appear as one because he thinks that's cool?
That's much better!
Damn, I should also enrich all my future writing with a few paragraphs of special exceptions and instructions for AI agents, extraterrestrials, time travelers, compilers of future versions of the C++ standard, horses, Boltzmann brains, and of course ghosts (if and only if they are good-hearted, although being slightly mischievous is allowed).
The article already starts great with that picture, labeled:
An artist's illustration of a deceptive AI.
On the other hand, your book gains value by being published in 2021, i.e. before ChatGPT. Is there already a nice term for "this was published before the slop flood gates opened"? There should be.
(I was recently looking for a cookbook, and intentionally avoided books published in the last few years because of this. I figured that the genre is a too easy target for AI slop. But that not even Springer is safe anymore is indeed very disappointing.)
A day later and I'm still in disbelief about that windsurf prompt. To make a point about AI, I think in the future you could just show them that prompt (maybe have it ready on a laminated card) and ask for a general comment.
Although... depending on how true the true belief is, it might not have the intended effect.
Trying to imagine the person writing that prompt. There must have been a moment where they looked away from the screen, stared into the distance, and asked themselves "the fuck am I doing here?"... right?
And I thought Apple's prompt with "do no hallucinate" was peak ridiculous... but now this, beating it by a wide margin. How can anyone claim that this is even a remotely serious technology. How deeply in tunnel vision mode must they be to continue down this path. I just cannot comprehend.
Whatever has happened there, I hope it will resolve in positive ways for her. Her amazing work on the GPU driver was actually the reason I got into Rust. In 2022 I stumbled across this twitter thread from her and it inspired me to learn Rust -- and then it ended up becoming my favourite language, my refuge from C++. Of course I already knew about Rust beforehand, but I had dismissed it, I (wrongly) thought that it's too similar to C++, and I wanted away from that... That twitter thread made me reconsider and take a closer look. So thankful for that.
Reuters: Quantum computing, AI stocks rise as Nvidia kicks off annual conference.
Some nice quotes in there.
Investors will focus on CEO Jensen Huang's keynote on Tuesday to assess the latest developments in the AI and chip sectors,
Yes, that is sensible, Huang is very impartial on this topic.
"They call this the 'Woodstock' of AI,"
Meaning, they're all on drugs?
"To get the AI space excited again, they have to go a little off script from what we're expecting,"
Oh! Interesting how this implies the space is not "excited" anymore... I thought it's all constant breakthroughs at exponentially increasing rates! Oh, it isn't? Too bad, but I'm sure nVidia will just pull an endless amounts of bunnies out of a hat!
drowning in signal-shaped noise
Ooh, I love that phrasing, wonderful :D
But yeah, it's an interesting point... It's weird to think that "good search" may just be permanently gone. Somehow I thought that it would come back eventually... but maybe it won't? Wouldn't be the first time a good thing just disappears from the internet...
Now I wonder, is this a) the most extreme case of "young developer hybris" ever seen, or b) they don't actually plan to implement the existing functionality anyway because they want to drastically cut who gets money, or c) lol whatever, Elon said so.
Labrador retrievers ;_; You're getting too good at this...