
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Listening to this for the first time, and I don't hear him say he's the black woman. He starts saying something, then changes mid sentence and says, "like I said, the first black woman vice president, served with a black president, first black woman chief justice". Are you saying he says he's also the first black woman chief justice? There's legitimately many concerning things he has said due to his mental issues, but this is just nitpicking.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago (3 children)

Tongue tied isn't the same as what happened with Biden on the debate night. It's theoretically possible for Trump to stop lying or at least restrain himself, because it's not a physical ailment that only gets worse as time goes by. Compare 2020 debate Trump vs 2024 debate Trump and you'll see how much better he was this time. Biden on the other hand has no control over what is going on with him, and it doesn't get better with age, only goes the opposite direction. He did good during his 4 years, but he's only tarnishing his legacy by running again. He should quit while he's ahead.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

That's why you bring your sword with you.

[–] [email protected] 31 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Welcome to the pundit class

[–] [email protected] 13 points 2 months ago

He went from 'Im the one who can beat him', to 'its okay if I lose'. Who's the troll again?

[–] [email protected] 14 points 2 months ago (2 children)

No, I want him to make the biggest sacrifice he can make. Give up his ego and step down.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

So I guess it's not a big deal if Trump wins? It's not an apocalypse if he wins? This is like advising to make your own coffee while the banks get bailed out. When it comes to people voting, people should vote for Biden even if he can't string a coherent sentence because Trump is the absolute biggest threat to democracy, but when it comes to Biden stepping down, it's okay if he loses to Trump as long as he gives his best.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 2 months ago (2 children)

It gives me guilt every time I see the unread notification from weeks ago.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

If it's that dire, why is it not more important than Biden's massive ego and power hunger that he doesn't care to step down even if it pretty much means Trump's gonna win?

[–] [email protected] 38 points 2 months ago (6 children)

This is exactly why I keep the messages unread so that I don't forget to reply later, and eventually keep them unread for weeks making it useless to reply after so long, therefore giving up and not replying anyway

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

What's in your service file? May be you entered some parameters wrong

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Well, the Benben stone is in a pyramidal shape, so it's technically the Benben pyramid, just not the kind to bury people in. They're probably talking about this one, although it's made of black granite, not meteorite.


My major gripe with fo4 was always that you had to micromanage your inventory, and it was mentally taxing to me to have to constantly bring my inventory under the limit. I pretty much gave up on the game for the past 5 years, and just recently tried the game again, this time with mods. The game is super fun now! Why game devs implement inventory management, I don't know. May be it's fun for everybody else, but I absolutely hate it.


We didn’t grow up in the US, so we don’t really know much about the gifted programs. She has scored 99 in CogAT, and 96.5 in ITBS, so she qualifies to the HAG program in NC. We can either switch to a different school that has the HAG curriculum, or keep her in the current school under the next lower level curriculum (AIG). The school says their AIG program is excellent, and that many HAG students have opted to stay in the school’s AIG program.

I want to do what is best for her social, emotional, and academic growth, so please share your experience/horror stories/success stories with the gifted programs, and your advice on which one to choose.

She's an only child and a bit naive, if that matters.


I tested by making a report on [email protected]. I can see it in my reports page on my account, but my account reports page still doesn't show any reports.


There is a kid in my daughter's 2nd grade class, who seems to like to lie/embellish a bit about a lot of things. Some of the things he has said/done so far:

  • He has a girlfriend Kate who hides in his bedroom everyday for him to come back from school, and when he does, they go to the bathroom and she kisses him on the lips
  • He went to military school when he was young(?!). They gave him basic training there
  • He once said he's a lot stronger than my daughter, and there is no way she can hurt him and asked her to try. She twisted his arm to the back (smh), and he screamed to let him go
  • He said he can easily take her down, and all he needs to do is to hit her on her balls(?)
  • He has punched a few kids in the class for one reason or another (they were making fun of him, she says)
  • He said brought a gun to the school once, and he accidentally pressed the button that makes it shoot and almost killed people, so his girlfriend Kate is mad at him.
  • He says he's gonna bring his gun to the school one day and kill everyone with it. He'll spare my daughter because 'you're the smart kid. We need smart people to tell us what to do'

I was initially not very concerned, but over time, the things he says and does are extremely concerning to me. We are immigrants who didn't grow up here, so we have no idea what's normal and what's not. I wanted to report the gun thing to his class teacher, but my wife is hesitant. She says he's probably just joking around, and not to make this a big deal at school.

What do I do here? Please advise.


She just found Crystal's Pony Tale and loves it so far. Are there any other 'cute' games that she might like?

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