Sounds like Walter came up with a new alibi for Skyler.
Claim denied.
The central review mirror is missing, rendering the car unfit for public roads.
While I was thinking you were yet another user, you were a rat the whole time! Wait, we are all rats!
Jokes aside, animal testing as a data source seems reasonable to me. Thanks
FDP-Logik: Leistung = Geld, ergo: je mehr Geld ich verdiene, desto mehr Leistung bringe ich, per Definition.
Nah, Balder's Gate III ;)
That's what she said.
I wonder how they came up with the LD50 of all those materials, like THC and LSD. Is this based on theoretical calculation, in vitro tests, or on a (assumably) very small sample of known deaths?
I had my doubts, too. But Jesus Crepe convinced me.
Wait, this is not part of THE MASTERPLAN? Now I am worried.
This Empire of men shall be called Man Empire.
Otto: I have a better idea. Hihi.