The wealthy in this world are just like my 4yo, they just want instant gratification. No amount of justification or considerations matter when your soul purpose is to get as much as possible while you can and fuck everyone else! The race to the bottom continues!
Right, he was shit all other times in his political carrier. But that one time, he did his duty, despite the threats.
You guys are fuckin' nerds! Lol.
This is a good example of the fastest way to win on this game. If you can get 3 corners, you win. The "O's" have it!
It's about one of the most disliked VP candidates in US history, a dude that wears eyeliner (I guess), doesn't know how many eggs are in a dozen, and is almost as bland as the last tRump VP pick! You don't even need to read a couple sentences to know that!! ( ˘ ³˘)
Psh, you wouldn't be saying that if you saw the 2-day-old, cold, left out pizza he ate just before the pic was taken!
That's all his publicly-traded company was: a way to donate to tRump without visibly donating to tRump. No doubt the new crypto shit is the next grift now that the stock value has tanked.
::visibly shutters::
Enough to make me never want to even attempt such a thing, myself! But I did know if the helium ratio stuff because of it, so it's still educational content.
They'll create these all natural makeup products out of anything these days!
I've seen enough of YouTuber, Scary Interesting, to believe that either word would work!
That tracks as they're both petulant children who know nothing about running a business...except how to torpedo them with their own hubris and ineptitudes after losing gobs of money. Hopefully, after this exhausting and long-winded election cycle is over we can never hear their stupid names or voices again!