Please state the nature of your medical emergency.
Tap for spoiler
That's both the EMC and the Medic haha!
Please state the nature of your medical emergency.
Tap for spoiler
That's both the EMC and the Medic haha!
This sounds like the peasant rail gun with extra steps.
Basically he is an old man/ software engineer who's famous for his philosophy of coding.
I know I sound like a corporate shill, but check out Cleveland Kitchen brand sauerkraut. It's not as good as homemade, but it's worlds better than that nuclear waste found in the questionable meat aisle of the grocery store or the cans.
Sweet thanks for your opinion.
How was season 1? Is this worth picking up?
I'm out of the loop. What's the joke here? I'm guessing it's a fallout thing?
This came up recent in a video I watched where they were talking about sidereal vs solar days. I always pronounced it as a two syllable side - real but apparently it's more like a three syllable side aerial .
English is tough.
Remember the 6th Rule of Acquisition
Never allow family to stand in the way of opportunity
And the 111th
Treat people in your debt like family... exploit them
Huh. I always thought Hamper divided into "Hamp" and "er" not "ham" and "per". Maybe that's a dialect thing.
Wesley figured it out?! Wesley. Wow, this is a new low.