And wear a suit
A random man met in texas once told me: "unlike what your mommy told you, violence solves things".
And these agents "just followed orders", so I guess all those millions deaths were just an unlucky accident..
Keep on the good job
Russia will not stop there, and the US provide absolutely no guarantee against that.
The US force Ukraine to stop fighting, prey upon their riches, and provides absoljtely NO security. So, if Russia wants to attack again in 2 weeks, 2 monthes, 2 years, Ukraine is on its own. Weird way to "end a war".
"I am very grateful we live in a community where we can let our children die from a totally preventable disease"
Good job, ukraine
La bonne vieille extreme droite qui voyait la menace chez les juifs plutot que chez Hitler, et qui s'accordaient parfaitement bien de l'occupation pourvubque ce soit par leurs nazis cheris. Ca se pretend patriote. A pleurer...
You mean, like in an African dictatorship?
I haven't be taught religion, but i'm lucky enoigh to have had parents...