A lot of hijackings don't even fucking involve passengers getting into the cockpit. DB Cooper never got into the cockpit.
This is the kind of thing that makes me feel paranoid. Oh, you want lots of power stations? For AI?
Oh no, what the hell. I found his personal Twitter, which has nothing from the last few years, but I didn't realize he was using his company's Twitter to defend JK Rowling. Eurgh!
What a terrible argument. Anything that involves messing around with your teeth needs to have good reasons to do it, rather than just good arguments against doing it.
They've had enough problems with the guy who claimed to be the reincarnation of LRH.
I reckon Miscavige wouldn't want a robo-LRH as it could challenge his power within the organization.
Oh no, what happened to that dude? He seemed fairly sane from his blog.
Mr AGP? Wow.
It's interesting to me that they're named after four thieves. Not sure if it's a deliberate joke or just another manifestation of the anarchist herbalism tendency that seems to have developed in the last 20 or 30 years.
oh "environmentally sustainable AI", that's like clean coal isn't it.
Living is easy with eyes closed/misunderstanding all you see
I have a bicycle, and if I see Bill Gates I'm going to throw it at him.