
joined 5 years ago

The premium mobile Linux OS creators Jolla: Sailfish X License Discount.

To celebrate the new Sailfish OS 3.3 release, Jolla indeed offers the Sailfish X license at a discount.

€29,90 per licence for a limited time, enter code VAPPU at:

==> _ #jolla #sailfish #vappu #mobile #linux #deletegoogle #deleteandroid #wayland #qt


SailfishOS Rokua (version has been released to all users with officially supported devices. During the Early Access testing period, Jolla fixed the fingerprint sensor on all XA2 devices, audio playback with browser and the plain-text passwords of NextCloud. Some GUI texts were added as well.


In this video Leszek Lesner tells you how to enable the Low Power Mode (LPM) / Glance screen on SailfishOS which offers you an always on display solution.

You need to have mce-tools installed. Then you can execute the following commands as devel-su (root) user.

mcetool --set-low-power-mode=enabled mcetool --set-ps-on-demand=disabled mcetool --set-blank-from-lpm-on-timeout=35 mcetool --set-lpmui-triggering=from-pocket,hover-over


Rocco (BigDaddyLinux) interviews the developer of MX Linux Dolphin Oracle.

Dolphin Oracle is a perfect example of a guy who started out just wanting to give back to a distro that helped him out. He started working his way through the community and development and coding to become the Lead for one of the most popular Linux distros out there.


Jolla announced the availability of Sailfish X for Sony Xperia 10. They also introduce a campaign giving all existing Sailfish customers a nice offer on the Sailfish X licence for Xperia 10, and for other devices.


Happened on Acer Aspire Switch 10 SW5-012 (hybrid laptop tablet with Fedora). This device is challenging to get Linux on to start with.

On the minimal interface, does not download to the desktop type:

  1. fsck /dev/mapper/fedora_localhost--live-root

  2. reboot

-now you should be able to reach your precious once again-


Fedora test days are events where anyone can help make sure changes in Fedora work well in an upcoming release. Fedora community members often participate, and the public is welcome at these events. If you’ve never contributed to Fedora before, this is a perfect way to get started.

There are two upcoming test days in the upcoming week. The first, starts on Monday 30 September through Monday 07 October, is to test the Kernel 5.3. Wednesday October 02, the test day is focusing on Fedora 31 IoT Edition. Come and test with us to make the upcoming Fedora 31 even better. Kernel test week

The kernel team is working on final integration for kernel 5.3. This version was just recently released and will arrive soon in Fedora. This version will also be the shipping kernel for Fedora 31. As a result, the Fedora kernel and QA teams have organized a test week for Monday, Sept 30 through Monday, October 07. Refer to the wiki page for links to the test images you’ll need to participate. The steps are clearly outlined in this document. Fedora IoT Edition test day

Fedora Internet of Things is a variant of Fedora focused on IoT ecosystems. Whether you’re working on a home assistant, industrial gateways, or data storage and analytics, Fedora IoT provides a trusted open source platform to build on. Fedora IoT produces a monthly rolling release to help you keep your ecosystem up-to-date. The IoT and QA teams will have this test day for on Wednesday, October 02. Refer to the wiki page for links and resources to test the IoT Edition. How do test days work?

A test day is an event where anyone can help make sure changes in Fedora work well in an upcoming release. Fedora community members often participate, and the public is welcome at these events. If you’ve never contributed before, this is a perfect way to get started.

To contribute, you only need to be able to download test materials (which include some large files) and then read and follow directions step by step.

Detailed information about both test days are on the wiki pages above. If you’re available on or around the days of the events, please do some testing and report your results.


If you look at it from 2018 it was down at 0,71%.